Faith can move mountains


"Here we are.

Why don't you try your confidence walk on them?"

"But I don't want to beat up little Kids."


This is the Y.

A place where both young and old can come play, and not be judged; for between you and me.......They could all improve. And they know it. That's why they don't critique others, or else it will be turned right back around on them."

"What you saying?"

".......I already said it."

"But I don't have anything to play with?"

"They'll provide the socks and shoes. Just tell them your size, and your favorite color."

"They...….just give stuff to you?"

"No, Silly.

It's called Trust.

They loan you something with the hopes that once you're done, you return it for the next person to also enjoy the wonderful experience."

"And what if you don't?"

"Do me a favor, Ruby?

Don't think too hard."

"Will you be here if I hurt?"

"For them, yes."

"No. I forgot to say the word 'get'. When I get hurt."

"...........I'll be just outside the back door, peaking through the window, if you need anything."

"You know, that's actually not creepy and more comforting if don't think about it too hard."

"Go on. Get out of here.

Make some friends, and can't win a game alone.

There's no 'I' in team, but their is in losing.

Trust the team, and they will trust you back.


"Wish me luck."

"You're not gonna need it."


You never know what you got till it's...."




"Watch where you're...…..going?"

"Here, let me help you up."


Oh, you don't need to….."

"Nonsesne. I spilled your books, so I will help you clean them up too."

"You're not from around here are you?"

"That's what they say."

"No. I mean...….how come I never see you in school?

Are you homeschooled or something?"

"There you go. That's the last book.

'Dragons Witchery'.


"Oh… shouldn't have seen that.

I really did just leave the Library, studying. Promise."

"Kid, it's ok. I won't tell your parents that you spent the last morning hours, engrossed in your fantasy, while your reality slowly slipped away."

"You don't believe reading is worth my time, do you?"

"That's not what I meant.

I just prefer my time making the adventures instead of reading 'elses,' but to be should still research whatever it is you're about to do; instead of researching something that you may never do.

You know?"

".......You're weird."

"I can take that."

"But you do smell good."

"Come again?"


Can't a boy compliment a girl without it getting weird?"

"You can, I was just thinking how you were able to get in a whif."

"It just radiates off of you."

"Well, thank you.

Your......…..not to dressed badly yourself."

"Thank you."

"So, what brings you here?

From what I heard, here it's all noise...noise...….and more noise.

The exact opposite of a quiet library. How do you expect to get any studying done?"

"Oh, I finished studying."


"Meaning, 'Work before play,' am I right?

For my reward, I am going to dip in the pool."

"In your school attire?"

"No. I'm going to take this off, silly."

"They loan swimsuits too?"

"Swimsuits? I don't need those. I have a pair of…."

"You know what. You don't need to show me."

"I wasn't unzipping my backpack to show you my swimming trunks. I was just putting my books away so they don't fall again."


"So, what are you doing here?"

"I'm gonna...Shoot some hoops?"

"You say that like you're confused what hoops you're shooting."

"Basketball. I mean basketball.

You are welcome to come watch. That is...…after you put a shirt and pants on."

"I'm not that brave,...."


"I already have a change of dry clothes in my pack."

*Thump. Thump*

"Right here."