Keep your nose to the grindstone


Red wins it. Red wins it

Twney-one, to Nineteen."

"Ruby, are you alright?"

"Why didn't you call a foul on him? He hit you really hard into the wall. Not even the Mats protected you. Are you hurt anywhere?"

"I'm good. I'll just he...Owww…Owww…Owww…..Owwww….Owww."

"Ruby, your knee is bleeding.

Here, put your arm around my shoulder and we'll help you over to the bleachers."


"Don't put too much weight on your feet, and just let us lead.

Stop trying to resist or I promise it will hurt more."

"You know Ruby, you should have had that shot back there."

"Thanks, but it's ok."


He fouled you. Not once...…but twice."

"Game was almost over anyway. Wouldn't have made any difference."

"We don't know that.

Just put ice on it and I'

Wrap this towel around your leg, and I'll tie it tight.

If you feel like I'm too harsh, and scream; I'll let go."

"Kid, I'm a big girl. You really think I'm going to scream at a little tiny...…..OWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Too tight?"

"I mean, if you loosen it, then it won't work as well."

"Hey. Sorry about that last push back there.

Shouldn't have done that.

Didn't think I touched you that hard."

"It's ok. With no inner skeleton to protect me, I....

I mean, thank you."


"Were we ever enemies?


"Take it easy Ruby. None of us here want to see you on crutches."

"Just wanted to properly congratulate you with a handshake and a hug. Same as everyone else did."

"A thank you would've sufficed.

Is there any way I can repay you for what I have done?"

"A new knee would be great."

"Seriously. Again, I am sorry, but you did put up one hell of a fight. Felt like no one could stop you the whole game. That's probably why I acted with such bigger force upon you. That's no excuse, nor a valid reason behind how I acted; but..."

"It's ok.

Just keep welcoming people and don't turn anyone away.

Clicks are the worst this world has ever invented; and you all are still young, so please don't start now.

Bad habit to break."

"Is that all?

I can buy you flowers, or…..a glass…..or....some food maybe. That is if you're hungry."

"Hotel doesn't do lunch?"

"Not many do."

"Are you asking me out, after crippling me to my knees to do it?"

"Do you want me to ask you out?"

*Beep. Beep*

"Oh. That's Stain. He must be waiting for me."

"Can I walk you to your car at least?"

"No. I.....I am good.

Thanks for the offer."

"Ruby, wait up."

"I didn't win."

"I know."

"And yet you still cheered for me. Even to the very end. Why?"

"You thought I would change teams?"

"No, but to be honest; the thought still crossed my mind."

"No way.

I walked into that arena wanting to cheer you, no matter what......…and I did just that.

Doesn't matter if you won or lost, or even didn't play great at all. I would have still cheered you on.

.........…There is that smile I'm looking for.

See, I know you still had it in you, and that nothing can bring you down.

Not even a bad knee will topple you."

"Thanks. I….."

"Wooo there.

I got you.

Ruby, when I said, 'Even your knee won't take you down,' I didn't mean you to demonstrate me wrong."

"Sorry. It's just the first time I had a hurt that wouldn't heal, and a joint out of place.

Just have to get used to it for a little."

"It won't be long.

Two days from now, I bet you will be back to dunking over those Kids head; acting as if nothing was wrong."

"But until then; date with Crutches?"