Vanish into thin air

"Where have you been, Ruby? I've been calling and calling."

"I got your text about the meet."

"I can see that. Is there somewhere else you had to be?"

"Ummmm. No. Just had to change my clothes."

"Change your clothes?"

"You boys will never understand. The reason why girls pack such big suitcases is because they have Two outfits a day. One day, one evening, and then a pair of Pj's. Then they have a third backup...…..In case things go wrong. They get pranked with mud, or...…"

"Went swimming too early."


"Who is he?"

"Oh, Stain; meet Barbie gir…I mean...…I invited him. If....that's ok with you all?"

"That's totally fine.

One more player never hurt anyone."

"That just means one more shoulder to cry on, once the others get taken."

"My man.

Looks like you just got burned.




"Come on, Stain. Let's show this family up.

Where do we go to sign?"


"Not now. I need to scope out the enemy."

"But what about your allies?

There are four of them, and only two of us.

Unless you got some more hidden warriors that I don't know about."


Yes I do."


"Hold that thought.


CITIZENS OF THIS ARCADE, May I have your attention for just a moment, please?"

"Ruby, what are you doing? Get down off that table before you hurt yourself."

"THERE IS A GRAVE THREAT WE thought was just outside these doors, but here I see that the threat has welcomed us home. It has invaded through our very door…..Taken...…our children."

"You mean, 'your children'? You're too young."

"TAKEN.....Your children, and if we don't stop them....they'll take your childrens children......…"

"Ruby, how is that possible?"

".....YOUR GRANDchildren, and your great great great great great...…Grandchildren. The Children childs of that childrends children.

So, ban with me, and let's put an end to this evil.

Take back our freedom...…to have…..babies!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whose with me?"

"Ruby, that is the most stupidest speech I have ever….."






"This Evil...… none other....than them."



You have a bigger house than all of us. A bigger car than all of us. A bigger lunch special than all of us. Bigger space...…and because of that, you kick others off your space."

"That's not fair. The only reason all of our things is bigger is because we have more...."

"Children then you!!!!!!!"


"Is that what you were going to say?

Come on. Let it out, so the whole world knows, but answer me this.

How many of those children are yours?"

"Some of them are adopted."

"Their is your proof."

"No. Wait. We have papers. They're in the car. You all can see for yourself."

"Anybody can hold a pen to a piece of I right?"


Down goes the head."

"........DOWN GOES THE HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Ruby, what did you just do?"

"I got us more loyal teammates. Isn't that what you want?"

"Ruby, the laser tag arena isn't big enough to hold all of us."

"Didn't you say it was outside?"

"Yeah, but in an 'enclosed' area."

"Then Unclose it."

"It's not that simple. This Arcade doesn't have enough blasters to accommodate all of us."

"Then what about....Ummmmm…..Nobody panic. We can think of something. We just have to be.....Ahaaaa!! I'll be right back."

"Ruby, wait. You're not supposed to..."
