You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink

"That is if you can see him at all."


"Missed me.

Your aim is worse than your….."



"What was that about me?"


"You little..."


"I think he meant to say your aim is as bad as your trigger. Never take your eyes off."


"........And you should've left yours on."

"No fair. I wasn't looking."

"Snooze you lose."



"Honey, I thought I told you to put that away?"

"Sorry. Just let me take this real fast."

"We found him."

"You sure?"

"Should we take him now, or...."

"What's he doing?"


"........Let him play, for it will be his last.

Just follow him, but wait for my orders."

"Yes, boss."


"Who was that?"

"Just our Cleaner. She lost her keys inside, after closing the door behind her.

I told her where the spare is."

"You know, you really should sotp hiring so many Cleaners and then trusting them with your secrets; such as your Keys."

"Oh…'s alright.

Besides, it's thanks to our Cleaners that we can spend days like this.

Isn't that right, Kids?"

"You know it."

"I wish I was out playing Laser tag."

"Yeah, me too."

"Laser tag?"

"Haven't you heard; some girl bought a whole bunch of Guns and ammo for a Town wide Laser tag happening outside as we speak."

"Who is this girl?"

"I don't know, but here's a picture if you need.



"No need, Son."

"Why? You already know who she is?"

".....Yes.........….and I'm staring right at her."