Ask for help

"You're home late, T. Was everything ok, last night?"

"I was here, just slept on the couch in the basement."

"Why didn't you join me? If you couldn't sleep, a cuddle never stopped anyone."

"It's not that. It's just...…."

"Want to talk about it?"

"Maybe later.

COME ON, Kids. Don't want to be late, or else you'll miss the bus."

"Coming, Father."

"Did you see a ghost or something?"


...….Backpack for you. Backpack for you, Backpack for you."

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

"Uppp.....Hold it right there Halinday."

"Something wrong?"


You're at school to make friends, not music."

"But dad."

"You can do that after school, when I give them back. But for now...Give it."


The other girls bullied me so much anyways, music was always my solitude.

Now what do I do?"

"Well, maybe the fact that you never look at them when talking is a start.

Now, whenever they can politely say hi back."

"Dad, I'm not a lip reader; but I don't think they say hi everytime they meet me."

"You never know."

"Wooo....Don't forget your lunches.

Never leave home without a bite."

"Thanks, Mom.

Love you."

"Love you too."

"..............Love you to dad."


Oh. Love you too.

Now be good."


"What was that all about? It seemed like dad was out of it just now. Barely there."

"I heard him rocking back and forth last night....awfully hard."

"Dad, rocking? I thought that was something else."

"Maybe it could've been a bad dream."

".....Or a Nightmare."

"Dad doesn't have nightmares.

He makes others have them."

"Well....whatever scared him last night must be bad; cause there is nothing worse than Dad."

"Wonder what it was?"

*Beep. Beep.

"ALL ABOARD!!!!!!"

"Whoever it was, I know Daddy will break him."

"What if it was a girl?"


"That must have been one strong, fearsome girl."

"You never know."

".......And I'll continue to not know until you tell me and ask for help."

"I am asking for help."

"You know what I meant."

"Just trying to wrap my mind around it myself, that's all.

Oh, if I am late again picking the Kids up, can you...."

"Already a step ahead of you."

"Thanks, Karen. You're the best.

Did I ever tell you how beautiful you look?"

"You say it everyday."

"And everyday it never gets old.

Have a good day."

"You too."


"Don't do anything I wouldn't do.


........And I still need my Husband."


"Maybe some soft music will help get me off what I just saw. Let's see here."

*Tii…Errrr…..Tiii…laaa…Tiii..Breaking News...….Tiii….Ahhhh…..Tiii…..*

"Wait a second, what?"

*Tii….tii….'Breaking News, a body of a local Shouffer has been found dead, late last night in the Swimming pool of Hotel 10. Authorities still don't know what has happened, but they have told us his name. Joseph Stain, Thirty-Four years old; leaves behind a wife and one Kid; in his absence. Next to his body, Police have found what appears to be a Tulip, floating by his head.

Could this be the Killers calling card, or could it be a sign for others to stay away? If you have any news, please….call '445-610-2873, for any anonymous tips. Our hearts go out to the family at this unprecedented time."