
"Can I mention it?"

"Mention what?"

"Why you didn't ask him? I know you wanted to."

"But I told him, I can't dance."

"No. I.....told him you can't dance. You just stood there and said nothing."

"Well, the moment has passed anyways. He's not even royalty, so there."



"This is not your annual high rollers ball. More of an...….open floor Charity ball.

One of the few things and times that the Queen opens her home up to the public."

"One of the few?"

"Rainbow, do you see any magic around you?"



"Hey, did you see the last post I made? Man, I am telling you; that makeup doesn't look good on her."

"What? Let me....I told you not to post that."

"Was that before or after you sent the pic to me? I thought you did it to help me spread the Brand."

No. I...uggggh."

"Woo. This is not my fault. You were the one that forsake her."

"That doesn't make it...."

"Hold right there, Rainbow."

"I'm gonna make you wish that….."



"Yes, Ruby?"

"I think these two are still tired. Too many donuts I think."

"I'll take care of it."

"Ruby, we sent you here to relax and…."

"Get a sense of where we are today.

No magic...No dreaming. We rely on loose Wishes too..."

"You weren't supposed to get involved, but just take it easy."

"I can't help it. I see something, say something. Right?

Ohhh…Ohhh….Ohhh. But I have relaxed and made some friends that I know you'd love to meet."

"You're not trying to set me up for anything, are you?"

"Rainbow, I thought I told you to just live in the moment. Try not to make anything bigger than it is."

"....You are."

"Well that's different. I'm…..I'm….."

"About to pass me the milk?"

"If you pass me the pancake batter."

"Here you go.

So what are these friends like?"

"You know me, they are on the Spectrum."

"Ruby, you….."

"No. I mean, I like everybody."

"And that's why I asked."

"I'll protect you, remember? I...….Rainbow, are you ok?"


"You spilled the milk."

"Oh. I…..oops. Didn't realize that."

"Now, if you have no further burning questions, are you ready to cool down?"

"I do have one that I've been dying to ask."

"That is?"

"About my swords?"

"Oh boy."

"I don't want any cheap name brand knockoff, nor do I want the most expensive one either, or else it will be too much. I want to blend in, you know?"

"Rare beauty?"

"Exactly. Swords that were designed specifically to kill, and nothing else. No fancy stitchings, no edge work; no crown molding. Nothing.

But, unless it's custom built, I can't find them anywhere. It's like someone stole them all or something."

"Don't worry Rainbow.


I am sure we can get them back."

"Oh yeah. This guy you were talking about.

Can he really get anything I need?"

"Everything you could ever want and more; but please.....try to be nice. He doesn't have a lot of friends."

"I can be friendly."

".....Good friends."