
"We're not foul, are we?"

"Just doing our job."

"And now it seems our job has changed.

You trust her?"

"I trust Theo."

"That's not what I asked.

Ruby is no Theo."


She's better."

"Stick to the plan, Kid, and remember why we are doing this."

"Why...are…..we doing this, again? The girls have been nothing but nice."

"Look around. Everyone has a motive. Just act friendly and nobody will be the wiser."


"It's showtime people. They're here."

"We got your call, Theo. Really think we can nail him this time?

Times passed has proved futile."

"That's because we didn't have...…..her."

"Nice to finally meet you in person, Ruby. What do you need from us?"

"I think you could all use a shower, is what I need from you."

"....Don't mind her. Rainbow here is new, and as such has been raised in a new society."

"I see."

"Ruby, how long does your sleeping potion last?"

"And how long could one say…..Break it?"

"Basically, how long do we have?"

"Guys and girls, it's nothing strong by any means. Might need to take a longer shower in order to wake up; but I'm not going to kill you."

"So that gives us?"

".......Not long."

"How do you know if he'll even come back? Why not just count his losses and move?

He knows we would be too stupid to fake a hold up of one of His properties."

"Then let's not fake it."

"Excuse me?"

"Once we bust Godfather, Rosa is going to have to discontinue this bar and put it back on Market; or...excommunicate it.

Ruby here rather... .hold onto it."

"Why? Grudge against us or something? Wanting to make something of yourself?"

".....Personal reasons.


Okay, let's get this place set up for success."

"We brought the Trailer in case this gets bloody."

"This definitely will be bloody.

You girls want something?"

"Want some…..oh...Oh. No. I'm good.

I got my swords...…not…..candycanes."

"Girl, have you never heard of the expression, 'Never take a sword to a gunfight?'"

"Nope. Can't say I have."

"Everyone, don't worry. I've seen her in action. She can very…..easily...protect herself.....just like she protects others."

"Thank you."


".........Well then. Suit yourself, but if you get hurt, don't go crying to us for a bandage."

"Why not? You wouldn't help me?"

"I'll think about it."


"Don't mention it."

"Everyone.....this is not going to be a shootout. We'll only use them if need be, but…."

"Who put you in charge? Theo might believe in you, but you still have yet to show us something."


"........I don't show off."


"You'll just have to trust me, as I trust you."

"A word, Ruby?"