
"So you weren't lying that you were really a Singer and owned a restaurant, were you, Ruby?"

"Just...…one of the things about me."

"One of them?"

"Theo, Kids ... .Adults...…..time to start reinventing."

"Still can't believe you had a life before you were Protecting. I mean, look at this picture of you clutching the mic with your little hands."

"Rainbow, nobody is born into anything. It's the choices they make that propels them forward."

"I got hammers, screws, guns, bolts, axes, and...."

"Oooo, take it we're not going to lightly remodel."


We'll never get called to remodel again."

"I call the hammer."

"I call the axe."

"Give me the mallet."

"Drill please?"


"What? I don't care who you are, building a structure is not easy. I want to be careful.

......…..Fine. Hand me the other battering ram."

"Okay people. I want this place to scream louder than Theos kids screamed as babies."


"Yes, Ruby."

"Theo, pst; over here."

"Woo…wooo…woo. Kid, what are you doing? Have you never used a hammer before?

It's all in the swing of the hips. Look where you want to hit, and then...…..*POW*

Pops up sideways."

"Thanks, Ruby."

"Oh no."

"What is it, Rainbow?"

"I can't find it, and I know I brought two."

"Two what? What can't you find?"

"Cliff, what is it?

Look at this. Had one before?"

"WHERE did you...........That's Rainbows. Where did you find it?"

"She dropped it after Set. Fell out of her pockets and I was going to give it back, but.....finder keepers, right?"

"Do you even know which one it is?"

"I know who we can try it out on."

"Last time Rainbow used it, it spilled all over G's men, so that we didn't know which Frog was him and which wasn't."

"Then we'll be careful. I mean, what could go wrong?

We didn't break anything, nor did we steal it. We found it."

"Actually...….yes you did."

"Ruby, Rainbow, what are you doing here? We're just taking a break to fill up on water."

"Give it."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm not going to ask again."

"......Just give it to her. You don't want to see what happens when she gets mad."

"Fine. Fine. Fine.

Here, take it. I don't even know how to use it anyways."

"G is finishing up his shower right now and should be getting ready to come back. Once he sees Rainbows photos, I am positive he'll put his car in second gear."

"How do you..."

"Which means...….we should be putting our butts.....in third."


"Woo…Not you."

"Ruby, get your hand off of me."

"Theo, going behind my back does not look good for you when I go talk to Rosa later."

"But I didn't. Cliff was the one who found them and showed me. That was all."

"Going along with something is the same thing as the one leading it."

"I'm sorry, Ruby.

Next time, I'll keep a better eye on him."

"Not him. You."