
"Ready, Rainbow?"

"It's all clear. You can retract your shield now.

We have the Godfather in a cage, Theo's Kid holding the...….wait."


"No. Not you.

Where's the other one."



Must have lost him in all the craze. G, called me over; and that's the last I was around him.

G, kicked him in a corner and that's where he...….Stayed?"



Can no. no. What happened to you?"

"Why? What is it?"

"He got shot up.

Look at his lifeless body."

"That's why I..."

"I know, I know.

No guns, or else someone would get hurt'........or worse.

Can you revive him?"

"Not that far gone.

You can't plan a seed where there is no soil."

"Thanks for making the right choice, Theo.

Really helped us all out."


So I didn't imagine the Vile throwing through the air?"

"But how did you have it the whole time? You gave it back to us."

"Yes. One....but not two.


"And I'm sorry too."

"Ummmm, guys. You're all heartfelt and all, but remember last time?

Frog mutations don't last, but G's men certainly do.

If we don't do anything soon, they'll start walking in."

"Not to worry."



"You called the Police?"



"Everybody, hands in the air; and face to the ground."

"Good thing you are friends with Rosa."

"Let's go all. She won't jail you."


"Cliff, where are you going?"


"Can't go anywhere without the Tapes.

Wouldn't want everybone to see it, would you? Then this clean escape would turn into a giant nasty mess."

"Everybody ready?"


"Theo, you coming?"

"I'm going to lose everything, if I don't already have. Lost a thousand pearls."

"You going to be ok?"

"But I have gained one gem."

"Hopefully Rosa sees it that way.

What are you going to say to her?"


What am I going to say to my wife?"

"You need help?

Put your shoulder around me and I'll walk you."

"Thanks...….but I think I have to tell her myself.

It was never your fault that he's dead, but mine.

Always has been and will remain to stay."