Waste not

"Ruby, here is your dress."

"It looks marvelous. Thank you."

"......Rainbow, here is your dress."

"Thank you. I love the cherry red with a hint of white vanilla."

"Cherry red? Seriously?"

"What? I told you. I'm fun."

"Ready for yours?"

"Ladies, I would appreciate nothing more."

"Rosa, where's your Dress?"

"Getting ready for the big reveal. Wouldn't want to walk around in it everywhere and wear it out."


"Here we are."

"Their is nothing here but an empty floor."

"That's because we're a little early, but don't worry. Should be filling up anytime soon."

"If our Kingdoms don't come to your Ball, then who does?"

"Haven't your parents ever told you that there are others...outside of your reach?"

"Yes, but never met them."

"Same here. They've heard of you, but never met you."

"Ummm. Are they going to be at the School too, cause I know it's big; but I don't think it can accommodate big big, you know?"

"Don't worry. They are….."


I see. You're trying to move forward, but don't want to leave us in the dust; so contributing to this worthy cause will still gain you favor?"

"And here I thought you didn't think."

"Guys, can we stay in character, please? People are starting to scatter in."

"I don't recognize any of them."

"Nor should you."

"Hold that thought. I see someone."


"Have you seen Theo? Is he with you? Where are the Kids?"

"Calm down. Calm down. Everything is alright."

"Ruby, where are my boys?

And give me a straight answer this time."

"Or maybe I can give you a hug."

"Thanks, but I don't need a hug, Ruby. What I need is…."




"I'll let you two talk in private.

...…..Thought you said Theo was in training?"

"Soon, but first....."

"I...I....No. Don't tell me it's….noooooooo. My baby!!!!

My baby!!"

"There. There. Let it all out."

"As you said, Ruby; their is nothing more important than family."


I mean that."

"Told you their is hope for all of us. You just have to look."

"Hey, look.

Isn't that...."

"Rainbow, what are you doing here; and in this beautiful dress? Are you some sort of...…no.



It's good to see you again, too. Sorry I didn't properly introduce myself before.

My name is Princess Rainbow of Dropfaraa. How do you do?"

"You don't have to curtsey for me. I am the one that should be dipping low to you."

"I think the waves take care of that for me."

"May I have your hand?"