
"Can I help you?"

"Aren't the appetizers for everyone?"

"Yes. For every...single....person.

Last I checked, you weren't a person."

"Hey, I'm just as much a person as anybody else...…Jalapeno?

You're invited everywhere aren't you?"

"Shh, I'm in disguise, but yes.

What can I say? I am too likeable."

"Woo..woo..woo. Put that cake down."


"You said 'every person'. Last I checked 'you weren't a person.' "

"Ohh…hoo…hoo. You want to start that with me do you? I look more like a person than you do; in that flowery artificial over the top dress."

"Hey. These flowers are real, and not fake. Mrs. Sands would whack you with her purse if she caught you saying that."

"My. My. I am deeply sorry."

"What are you doing here anyways?

Not enough bands in the area? I'm sure Rosa has her own."



I'm sure she does.


But no one can replace me.

Why don't you hop up on stage with me. Show everyone what they've been missing?"

"Oh. I...my pipes you know. As someone said, 'If you don't use them; you'll lose them.'; and I haven't used these Pipes in years. Singing in the shower to get me in mood, yes; hitting high notes in front of a Stage....no."

"There is no such thing, Ruby. Even a rusty pipe is still a pipe.

You're either born with it or you're not; and I bet…..…you're born with it."

"I see you are born with something too."

"What uhh...what are you talking about?"

"Don't think I haven't noticed. I can't sense Dragonfrog anymore; and I know why."

"You do?"

"You turned him into a tree.

I didn't know you could Cast?"

"I….I can't. Just picked up a few things on my days of travling. Thought I might give it a try. Ease all your burdens."

"And what if it didn't work?"

"Well...….then he would have eased mine."

"You always this reckless?"

"Impulse you could say. Nothing more."

"Well, Jalapeno. What's your impulse say about her?"



"MAY I have everyones attention please?

I said, may I have everyones attention please?

Their are a few kind souls I would like you all to meet tonight."

"Upps. That's my que."

"Que for what?"

"Nice talking to you J, and.....I'll think about it."