

What are you two doing in that Lab, and what are you Mermaids doing in my Kingdom?"

"........I can explain."

"No. It's my fault, so let me."

"Not all at once now."


"Ruby's story is true. When the ship went down, King Seas…."

"My husband...…..was attracted to the Talisman, and after finding out it was the source of such great wealth; he found out how it worked and in turn would never let it out of his sight."

"How did my Father retrieve it?"

"One day, King lost it and told Tai to keep a lookout for something he lost.

So, Tai immediately closed the dam in order to stop the Necklace from drifting too far off. Then he started digging all around in order to find it."

"I got that part, but if Tai told him that the Talisman drifted off to sea, then why is he now here?"

"I.....Can explain that."

"Please do."

"I was jealous of what Rainbow and Darius were doing behind closed doors. They are not only curing animals, but turning non-bloods into people. I am not a person, but I so wished I was. Then In my anger, I remembered you can Wish me one. Talked too loud and the King got onto me. Wanted to learn I told.

Me and my big fat mouth, as Ruby called it."

"I see."

"Please, I am so sorry. This all started with my greed and want to expose Darius of his secret, that I let out an even bigger one.

….Can you forgive me?"

"And us.

We would really love to host this enhancing Lab of yours; for the Kids, but before we can teach others to feel the same, we need to know we can."



"Elwin, what are you doing?"

"Maybe it's for the best that we start fresh.

Kain is right, I have changed....this has changed...…and now I know why.

Please, if you want this back then we can pretend that it did rush out to sea like Tai wanted. That way....."

"You'd never learn."


"The Talisman is not meant to take over a Kingdom, but merely a tool to help build one. The day I dug it up, Tai was furious for not being able to find it; but King Sea was already on his way. He had to hide his tracks and start over.

Although he had the Talisman made, it was never meant for him; nor use.

..But you."

"My dad Turned?"

"Wanted to give it to you himself, as a present; but that is only a word only.

As Ruby said, The Talisman attracts all to take and keep it. That is not who you are."

"You're right..."


"IT'S NOT!!!!!!!!!"


"What did you do?

You broke it."

"Nothing is ever truly broken.

Here is a piece for you, My Queen."

"Oh, ummm.."

"A piece for you, Rainbow."

"I….uhhh. I don't think that's…."

"A piece for me.....and a piece for you, Apple."

"Tai may have made this Necklace for me, so that I can have a greater help in restoring and undoing what he has done; but it takes a Kingdom to do that...not a people...…..and definitely not a person."

"Keep these close, and Jealousy won't find you. Only when we come together will we be able to Wish."



"Knew you'd come through."

"Wait, you knew this whole time what I would do?"


But I am glad I do now."

"Elwin, we'd love to have your Lab down with us; and Apple…."


"You still want those legs?"

"Why do you patronize me?"

"Then come with me."

"........Rainbow....Ruby. A word please."

"Elwin, I know that…"


I may not know what just happened right now, but here is what I got from it.

In order for us all to succeed, we need to work together. Not one person can do this alone."

"Well, besides Ruby that is."

"I have my good days and my bad days."

"As we all, but if everybody were Ruby, then where would the others be? Not all can be an eye, for then there would be no ear."