
"THANKS again for everything."

"No problem.

*Tap. Tap*

Just doing my job.

Once you have everything packed, just give me a ring. My numbers on the back of my card."

"Will do.

So, ready to start? Should we just pick a room; divide and conquer, or..."

"I think we should first set up a donation bin of what we are giving, and then another for what we are keeping."

"What...are we giving?"

"We're giving Darius a new life. A new chance to start Fresh. Look away from what is, and explore what can be."

"Are we doing this for Darius, or for us?"

"Does there have to be a difference? Besides, we could use a new perspective of friends too."

"What's wrong with my Knit Club?"


Can you help me with this Couch, and grab that side?

It's just that not everyone sits in rockers and knits all day. Especially now with Dragons literally flying overhead."

"Not everybody is a boy either."

"You take that back, or else I'lll....*Phueeee*

"You really want to start a pillow fight with me, using only one hand?"

"My one hand is better than your two."

"Just be happy that I am disciplined, and not treacherous."

"That's one, done.

Set your end down, and let's go grab the others."

"Isn't this what Movers are for? You do know they do way more than just drive big U-hauls around all day."

"I know, but this is our house; and besides…....this does us good."

"I'll tell you what's good for us."

"......Not getting smacked with a ruler."

"Awww, calm down. I know you have been hit with far worse."

"Not up close.

Her eyes could shoot lazers out of them, if you're not careful."

"Then zip up your pants and come on. If all this class is is to teach us how to put on clothes and not slur, then I am all for it."

"Theo, you are the one that has to take notes. Not us."

"That is unless you have a photographic memory, which…..I've seen you in action; and you do not. You lose your car keys more than you do your gun."

"Well, come on now. How can one lose a gun? That's the one thing we all have."

"And keys are the one thing They all have."

"Sorry if my priorities are a little off."

"Well, realign them soon cause I heard Cora likes to give surprise Pop tests when you least expect them."

".......Four minutes late, but I will let it slide...…this time. Next time....ATTIRE!!!"

"It's Atirie. Aaa…tir….ieeeee."

"I don't care what your friends call you back home. Here, we call you a Slop if you pull this crap. Zip it or ticket."

"Yes, Ma'am."


"Now, I don't have you for long every session, so we are going to make every minute count. These classes will be divided up into four basic topics. 'Your stance. Your walk. Your talk....and your attitude'.


"Isn't attitude the same as talking?"

"........What would you like me to say?"

"Just a few comforting words. Nothing too complex.

Is something wrong?"

"Never been to one of these before."


"We gather here today, to put to rest Banana. In his life, he has helped many; and in his death, may he regrow to help forevermore. Once a seed, now a tree; we honor him with the care he needs.


"Oh…Pour on the dirt over top. Got it."

"In your Word, you say that from nothing, was something; and from the ground we were raised, and to the ground we shall return; but for this Banana, may he always grow big and strong. May his tree be large; his seeds bearing, and his fruit enormous. May whoever stops underneath, find the shelter that they seek, and the rest that they need.Whether it be for a knee, or a sprain; do not let his life be of waste."


"He's dug down deep. Now what?"


"Here you go."

"You were born Innocent and true, but the world took a hold of you and wouldn't let go. Now rise up, and take your place."

"Ummm….I.... Apple, things take time to...oh....Silence time as we reflect. Sorry."

"Thanks for coming out. You probably think I am weird now for burying a lifeless Banana, and blessing its new life to come."

"Trying to be the Pastor, the Mourner, and the Religious in one.

I know why you are doing this. Symbol for others."

"Glad you understand.

Help me get back so that we can find something else to eat, cause….


If you haven't noticed; I am still hungry."

"We'll find you something. Don't worry, Apple."