
"Maybe Ruby has a card?"

"Why would she have a card, when she can barely remember....."

"Her Gravestone did say Leader of Upfront.

What if she got a Student card?

I mean, records do show that she has been down here more than others. Would make sense to just give her her own card, and put her in the system so she can come and go as she pleases."

"I don't think Ruby is the key."

"What makes you say that?"

"Her vines are all over this thing, but obviously she couldn't get in either."

"So if Workers have Cards, then who has the fingerprint?"

"........Can you pass the Salt please?"

"Here you go, Elwin.

So what are you going to do, now with no Wishing?"

"As I told Ruby, 'Trust others.'"

"You think your dad trusted anyone?"

"Everyone has to trust at least somebody."

"You really believe Tai trusted all of Upfront to build and Train; without getting involved himself?"

"Why would he? Ruin his cover if he got caught."

"Even so, if I were to build something; I wouldn't just abandon it. Especially after everything I put in."

"He may have abandoned, but....."


"We're not.

Rosa's campaign must have worked because here are our first Investors. Wanting to see this place up close I guess.

Uhhhhh...Over here, Ladies and Gentleman.

If you'll come with me then I will show you where your future Kids will turn into Leaders and Apprentices."

"I am still skeptical of this School to be honest.

How can you bring Magic out of someone who was never born into any?

I know about extraction, but plating.....that is a whole different game all together. Impossible."


"My name is Queen Natysh, and this is my….."

"You are an Eagle."

"If you think I am amazing, just wait till you meet my brothers and sisters."

"Brothers and sisters?"

"Natysh, what are you doing here?"

"This is our school, is it not? Besides, with Ruby not here; Kyle is the next best thing to show people what can come of hard work."

"Thanks for the Trim, Joe. Until next time?"

"Until next time.

AND DON'T LET YOUR HAIR GROW OUT During the Winter, next time."



"Was that a Grizzly bear just now, walking out of the Barbershop?"

"Oh yeah.




"........Is that the School?"

"I thought it would be called 'One Pearl? Why does the sign say, 'Upfront'?"

"Maybe because of all the flowers in the field 'Up…front, I am guessing?"

"I mean, the flowers are lovely, but I hope they change the name to something a little less on the nose; later."

"Queen Elwin."


"So is this going to be a school school, or will it be a….."

"We could if we wanted, turn this into a regular school K through Twelve; if that is what you are asking; but this School is more for people who want to train beyond.

We have four hundred twenty bedrooms, consisting of ones on the first floor, and the third. The second floor is where we have our Classrooms, so in retrospect we could have guys and girls seperate if you want."

"Yes please."

"How about for the Training? Is that done on the Premise….."

"And can we watch?"

"Or is it….."

"Elwin, we have the Lab moved and are wondering if we could have your permission too....Ummmm….."

"What are those?"

"That's a good question. I'll let Rainbow and Darius tell you how we help your Kids be the best they can be; while I....."

"Pst, Elwin. Over here."

"Be right back."




"So, what do you want to know?"