
"Look, I didn't have time to screen everyone. I just picked her and ran."

"Well, you should've screened harder; because the Puppies you left inside the house have all gotten out of their cages and want the same treatment you are giving Serenity."

"Treatment? I'm not giving her any special treatment?"

"They think you are.

Does 'Master Chef' ring a bell?"

"Master...….Oh no. No. No. No. No. No.

Do they really think this is all some sort of game? We just took away everybodies Meat, because we want to see the best of the best who can sweep us off our feet; and wow us with their creations?"

"Ummm…..You haven't given them an explanation so...…yes?"

"They should be taking this seriously, and not ostracizing someone just for how they feel like?

I'm sure if I picked up any other person in the street, they would be fine; but while no one out there is taking this seriously; I can guarantee you one person who is."


".......Forks down, let's see what you made."

"Thanks for the tips, Serenity. They really helped; and I mean that with everything in me."

"Don't thank me yet. It is not me you're trying to charm, but Elwin.



".......How is it?"




"Aaaaahhh. Well, it's not bad.

.....But it's not good either.

You have all seen I went back in for a second bite, but it's the third bite you should be watching for. Too complex.

Next!!!!!!!!!!!! We have four minutes left."

"Omeletes, yeah please. You definitely overdid it. Here is a much 'Simpler' take on the classic Benedict; with no Vegetables or any miscellaneous of any type."

"Hmmmm…..Looks appealing, but I could have done without the applause. You only boast behind something that you can back up, and since you made this for the first time; then there is nothing to boast about. Only from your past memorares...which no one will care about right now. That was then, this is now.

Fork please."




"Ruby, what are you doing here? Can't you see I'm busy? Are you starting to doubt my trust?"

"There is a load of people outside, and they're doubting me of you. Saying that I might have picked the wrong decision."

"Making you start to question?"

"I just need to calm my doubts."

"You all can be excused."

"But, Miss, you haven't even taken a bite."

"The smell is my bite.

....Would you help me with this plate, Ruby?"

"I thought you didn't like that one?"

"What did I say? You're not cooking for me, but only to pass me; and you can pass without needing flying colors."

"Uhh…sure. Where are we going with these?"

"To Elwins bedroom."

"So are you going to reassure me?

That's kind of what an Adult does to their Kids."

"I should have nothing I need to talk about. Let my food speak for itself."

"But food can't talk. Well, besides Apple that is."

"If Elwin eats both of these plates and can't tell the difference, then you have my speech."

"But.....I trust you."


Waiter, the doors please?"

"Yes of course, Serenity."

"Here we go.

...Your breakfast, Elwin."

"Finally. Boy, am I famished.

If your reputation precedes you on the Streets, then you are sure to leave a treat."

"Ummm...Thank you, Elwin. I hope you enjoy."