
"What's so great about this place?"

"They say you can still hear the faint sounds of a mother Dragon calling out to her little one."

"I don't hear anything.

Are you making this..…"


"Shh. Did you hear that?"

"Ruby, if you are trying to comfort me with Myths then it won't..…"


"She definitely hears something.

What do you hear, girl? What do you hear?"


"Your father is not the bad guy of this story.

They say Dropfarras founding Inheritance was. If he couldn't have one, then no one could have one."

"Have what?"


"...A dragon's heart.

This was their Nest.

Morando stepped away from Castle of Fire, to rebuild his own; while Tai held desperately onto the flame."

"Is that what my dad told you? What about your mom?"

"Stories matched."

".......So my father is the good guy?"


Dropfarra may have gotten angry that my family received all the top tier dragons, while the rest had none; so they said if we can't have any Dragons; then no one can; that doesn't excuse your father.

You can say that he 'helped' fight with my family to bring Dragons back; but we already know what his reign would have lookd like."

"So that's why you wanted to kill me? Afraid he'd pass the seed!!!"

"I wasn't afraid. I was confident."

"And now?"

"Now I am not."

"How so? Is it that in his twisted mind, he convinced you he was just?"

"He did give us Ice cream as…..

Wait. Wait. Wait. Shouldn't you be asking me how Tai and I hung out, and how he was like a second father to me? Not gaining info from his mistakes?"


It's the Queenside in me. How I was raised. Tai taught me to use everything to my advantage."

"Even a heartfelt moment?"

"That was considered heartfelt?"

"Just trying to be myself...…until you ruined it."

"Ruined it?"

"Yes, ruined it."

"Well, sorry for not being so 'Humanly'. Couldn't see under my Queenship."

"You're not a Queen."

"Says the one who isn't."

"All you are is someone who wears a crown. That's it. End of story.

Here I am, supposed to assume dominance; and eliminate you and anyone in my way. At least, that's what my family wants me to do."

"Then why haven't you?"


"Why haven't you just blown us out to kingdom come, and taken over? We all know you can do it.

I'm sure it would be better ruling with Dragons, then listening to them roasting and complaining all day."

"You want to know why I am trying to help you all see that although Tai was a bad guy, he was still a guy?

It's because of this stupid emotion called 'Compassion'

Clots my judgement of commonsense."

"................You really think she heard a Dragon, back there?"

"....Whatever she heard, she sure wanted to get out."

"But you didn't feel anything. Nothing is alive down here."

"...And you didn't need me to tell you that."