
"What about, Darius?"

"You mean the Funsucker? I will show that Kindness does...come in first. Not last.

You know what? I'll tell people that right now.

HEY EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Yes, Lolli?"

"Once you're done stuffing your face; go get some rest to sleep it off. Then...….we'll burn the rest."


"BEACH PARTY!!!!!!!!!!"


"See you all in an hour.

Bye now."

"Bye, Lolli."



"As you wish."

"Lolli, we have one slight tinsy problem with your plan."

"And that is?

Thank you, Butler."

"You don't have a swimsuit."

"Aaah, you would be correct; for it is all the back on Dropfarra; but no need to worry."

"Their is not."

"I'm sure Elwin will let me borrow hers. Besides, clothes were made to be worn; not stuck in a drawer for decoration."

"I don't know."

"What don't you know, Kain?"

"Twenty four hours is awfully a lot. Especially three of them."

"Then how bout this. We'll be gone for two days; back on the Eve of the third."

"Whether they have calmed down, or not."

"We'll have to take that risk. Can't have them be too riled up though, without someone to lead them. I am sure they are breaking things as we speak. Ohhh, I pray Rainbow can get a hold of them."

"I'll grab a hold. I'll grab a hold of your title...….and then break it."


"Slap it over my back, and watch it float away. You trying to catch it.....but there will be nothing you can do about it."

"Go, dad. Go. Go, dad. Go."

"Don't you all think this new Rain might be a little different? I mean, one minute people were calling her a a friendly witch? All of a sudden?

She creates an army, but once she uses that army for good, we forget that she could also at the flick of a wrist, make it not?"

"Huhm you are overthinking this. Wasn't it you after all that wanted me home more, and said that work was sucking my personal life away?"

"Well, yes, but…."

"And has not Lolli helped unsuck that?"

"Well yes, but…."

"And who am I talking to right now."

"Me, and not your boss. But....."

"If you hate him so bad for making me work late, then help me, and us.....beat him at Pool Volleyball."


"Show him his place."


"Actually, Son; the bottom of a lake is only sand. Not ground, not dirt, not grass."


"Owww, Oww… Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Well, I mean; drowning in water is definitely better than drowning in bills."

"So you're in?"

"I don't have a swimsuit."

"Oh, don't you worry about that. Lolli is so chill that I am sure…..."

"She is only thirteen."

"To the store it is!!! Come on, Son."


"...Lolli, what about the Necklackes; my Siblings.....the Monsters…..the..."

"Worry, Worry, Worry.

Theresa, youre out; so now just sit back and chill. Use your trunk too I don't know....splash people with water. People love when Elephants do that."

"I thought you said I wasn't an animal, but a friend."

"Thersa, wait. I was joking. You know that I would never insult...…..




"Ready to get some sleep, Princess? You'll need it so that you don't get bloodshot. Slippers?"

"I....No thank you. I have to get my new Ants situated into their roles. Make sure this actually works before I go completely mad."

"Should I send what's left of our...I mean your Protective Service to aid you?"

"Their is nothing to fear. They would never hurt someone who just gave them all their heart's desire."

"You gave them what they want, Miss; but did you give them what they need?"

"I....I can't think of that right now. Keep everything and everyone in order until I get back."

"You should go talk to Theresa. Take her with you.….Wait. You're not seriously thinking of...."

"I'll go get her."