
"Told you all to take your suits off earlier."


"Easy there, Tigress. I don't know what you're saying, but if it's sorry, Kitty; we should have listened better; then....I forgive you."


"No, I don't know when you will be able to transform back. These suits suck your energy faster than you can breathe; so it might be a while.

The stronger you become with them; the less your other does. Now it has to work its way back. All I know, if we don't get this figured out; I can't send a couple of Rogues back to Castle of Fire, if that does happen. We need to figure this out before we go back."

"Roufff. Roufff"

"Yes, we did. We all did …... .but we're just kids; not adults. They have the brains."

".....Maybe if we tilt her on her side then the weight distribution will make her lighter. Thus, making the…."

"Kain, stop complaining and come on."

"Is it your turn yet?"

"I'll tell you when it's my turn.....when it's my turn."

"........What about now?"

"Still not my turn."

".....About now?"

"Still not my turn."

".......My arms are getting tired.



Hey, wait up for me. Are you not even going to help?"

"Help you with what?"

"What do you mean, help me with what?"

"Darius, is not up there?"

"Why do you think I am calling for you?"

"I thought you were calling, because it's time for us to roll out.

Darius was having one last look at his bedroom; so don't disturb him."

"It's a good thing I did, because all I see is Bedroom, but no bed.

He couldn't have gone far."

"Far? There is nowhere to go, unless he jumped."

"............Would you believe me if I said yes?"

"I'm coming. Hold on.

Their is no way you're telling the...."

"Believe me now?"

"So Darius rescued his own."

"Looks like she is not the only one, but he is sloppy.

Get in the car, and we'll follow."

"Hopefully wherever it leads, leads to a Flower, and not a Bloom."


"Hey, it's freezing down here. Can you...."

"Quiet down."

"Can you at least turn the heat up?

I know you can...….hear…


"Aaaaahhh. Thanks, Ant.

Do you want to come in, so you can help me and Theresa set up the remaining poles? Oh, that's right. You…"



"Feelings. Remember?"

"You didn't have to whip me with that. You're supposed to tie V to the V marked on the straps; not me. That's what instructions are for."

"I was following them.

I was instructed to whip you, on his behalf."


I don't know how animals communicate, but I am certain he didn't tell you that."

"How do you know that if you can't tell?"

"I don't know. Maybe we should experiment."

"Oh no you don't. You can't just….."

"Theresa, I juist wanted help getting out of the….blurr…bliurrr…blurrr…blurrr…blur.


If you weren't my friend, I'd…."

"You wanted to experiment if ants would drown or float, and how would it feel like; so.....there. I showed you."


"When this game kicks off, you and I will be on different teams."

"Lolli, come on now. It doesn't matter which side you go on. You'll be in the water either way."