
"We'll find him, and he'll be ok."

"But won't you...…..without your Ja..cket!!!!"

"Darius will be my jacket, and all the warmth I need when I go to hug him.


I hope it's soon though."

"You won't have to shiver for too long. I see lights ahead."

"Lights…in the water?

Is it a Ship? Are they moving? Coming or going?"

"I can't tell. They're not moving, but...wait a second. I hear voices."

"This late?"

"They are screaming."


"No, wait. Nevermind. Sounds more like laughter."

"Elwin would never keep people up this late."

"....Bye Everyone. See you tomorrow."

"See you, Lolli.

Come on, Kids.

We gotta head back, so take care."

"You too. Until next time?"

"Until next time."

"Theresa, you ready to take down?"

"I'm too tired to answer."

"I hope you are not too tired to tell me where our Boy is."


"Heartchilds, what uh….I thought you were back at Home?"

"And we thought Elwin was Queen.

Where is she? Where is Kain? Where is Ruby?"

"Where are the Kids?"

"And what's happening here?

Elwin would never just raise you up.

For what? Practice? Well, if that's the case then...Aaaaaghhhh.

Ants, put us down right now.

Rainbow, explain yourself."

"Who's Rainbow?"

"What do you mean, who's Rainbow?

You're Rainbow.

And you…..you know who she is."

"I do.

She's Lolli. Lolli the Witch."

"Lolli? What, is this some sort of Babysitting make believe or something?

Answer me."

"Take them away."

"But, Lolli. They have done nothing wrong."

"You're right, Theresa. I am getting tired too.

Tired of their questions."

"Wait. Wait. Ants stop.


LOLLI!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE'S OUR BOY!!!!!!!"

"You'll meet him soon. There is plenty of space big enough for all of you."





"Why don't you respond to Rainbow anymore?"

"Who's Rainbow?"

"Your voice…you….you're Rainbow."

"I'm not Rainbow.

Theresa, where are you going?"

"I need to get back."

"Theresa, wait!!


"You're scaring me, Rain.

These 'Tests' are starting to change you."

"What tests? The Ants aren't my test."

"Are they your pets?"


"Then what are they?"

".....My family."


Is that you?"