
"They don't appear to be hurting anyone. In fact….."

"They seem to like them.

Why would....of course. Ruby's in all of them. Ruby was never aggressive unless pushed, so if we don't push any of them; then.....we should be good."

"Should is a strong word, Kain."

"You got any better ideas? We can't trade our Services for everything we do. There has to be an Exchange somewhere around here."

"This early in the morning? Most of the places aren't even…."


"You were saying?"

"I said they went out shopping and should be back soon. They told me to tell you not to worry, and that I will be watching you until they return."

"They said all that?"

"Well, most of it.

But. But. But. They did tell you not to worry, and to stay here."

"....And do what?"

"We have breakfast, and games indoors?"



That's all you can give us. Just a few measly..."


"For all that we gave you."

"That's the transaction fee. I am sorry."

"Sorry? Your fee is bigger then…."

"Well maybe you should've brought your own money."

"We didn't know we needed to…."

"Kain, it's ok.

Thank you, Sir."

"But Ruby. That guy is a clown. I don't know if you know how those Exchanges work, but you have to admit that something felt sketchy about that. He does not need all that extra cash.

You told me last time you tried; no one would even exchange with you because it would be pointless trying to spend."

"That was in the last town over. This one's probably different."

"I don't know. Cashier just now said we can't get anything. So if they don't use exchanged money for goods, then what do they use them for?"

"There is only one other thing that money can be used for, but just drop it and let's go pay for our Supplies we need."

"Wait, what's the other thing that money can be u….sed...for!!!

......Ruby, wait up.

What Services can pointless money buy?"

"Their is no such thing as pointless money when it comes to Services, Kain.

Most people come across; trade, and then get their own respected money to travel back home to. That way, nobody suspects them...recognizes them....and can catch them for doing it."

"But it's Illegal to take money elsewhere without….."

"Not if you are an Exhange service. Then you can just say everything came in as it should. We traded; I gave half to my boss, and now I am free to use the remainder. I can verify it came in my possession...…and I can verify when it went out of my possession."

"Ruby, how do you know all of this stuff? Maybe we should go back and see. With your skills and my…."



"We came here to hide, not to be discovered."

"Rainbow wouldn't back down."

"She's not me."

"You're right.

...…..SHE'S BETTER!!!!!!!!!!"


"Ready to pay, Ma'am? I see you got the right cash this time."

"........How much?"

"Fine. I'll go find out for myself."

"Would you like your change?"

"Yes please."


"Always helpful."

"What about bagging all of this?"

"I'm not completely helpless, you know."

"You're right, you are just careless.

Thinking you can scam us and just walk away with it? Where..are… even going?"

*Knock, Knock, Knock*


"Can I help you?"

"Dropping off."

"Where from?"

"Castle of Fire.

You'll love this one, and so will he."


"Come in. Come in. Hurry.

Have you heard the news?"

"What news?"

"Riot as of Last. Elwin is in the wind. Meat is being banned. They want a new source but don't know where to turn."

"Sounds like a problem we can fix. And no option."