




Kain, if you're not dead already, then know this....


"Sit down, and stay there."

*Knock, knock, knock*

"Ruby, back already with the....Where's Kain?"

"That's why I came to get you.

Thanks for staying, and listening to me. Can't say the same for Kain."

".....Why can't we just have a normal day for once!!"

"Tell you what. Once School starts, we will all retire as Teachers."



"Then why'd you even say so?"

"Just trying to lighten the mood."

"Ruby, you're nice and all, but right now I need Mother Nature; not you."

"Then you have to listen to every word I say. Every move I make, and any line I take. Don't colour outside the square unless we say so."

"If my Dad trusted you then...….wait.


"Hi, Elwin."

"Hi, Elwin."

"Hi, Elwin."

"Hi, Elwin."

"Hi, Elwin."

"Hi, Elwin."




"Where's your Suit? Ruby, you said she...…."

"Wait. Wait. I have one, but...I don't even know what it's for."

"Tai never did anything without reason. We'll show you."

"Why are you even helping me?"

".....Elwin, can I talk to you a sec?


..None of these Kids ever waivered."


"....They were loyal to a fault, even when your Father called them to there last Fight.

Although Nurses told us not to answer the call, we were all so tied… didn't even matter. Just don't mention 'Dragon reborn,' 'Second Dragon',the 'School', 'burning their stuff'......'DragonFrog'.....or anything of that sort."


"Tai did his best to guard us... .please don't divulge the Truth. The Necklaces....nothing."

"What are you two girls talking about in there?"

"Just going over the Plan, and helping Elwin in her Suit."

"Well, get yours on as well; and hurry up. The longer Kain is out there, the worse things become."

"Remember, Elwin. They're delusional, but strong."

"Don't worry. How strong can Ghosts really be?"

"....Just be smart, ok?"



....*Snipp...snipp….Snipp, snipp.*


"They keep coming and coming."


"Running out of room here, guys. Any ideas?"


"Kids, boy are we glad to see you."

"Doesn't look like it.

We left, so you decided to replace us with fakes? They can't even transform."

"Wasn't our idea, but maybe if you didn't leave in the first place; then Rainbow wouldn't have had to send in her own Protectors."


"It only went downhill from there."

"Hopefully you learned your lesson."

"Which was?"

"Guys...…Girls...…doesn't matter who did what, when, where.

We are here now, so what can we do?"