
"Ruby, where are..."

"Darius, in order for all of this to work, you have to…."

"No, you have to."

".....We both do."

"We both do have....what?"

"Rainbow, there you are. You ready?"

"Don't you think my Sister is in bed, and so is Kyle? Can't we do this in the morning?"

"Darius, say your goodbyes."

"Wait. What? No. Don't take me away from Darius. Darius is the only one who udnerstands me."

"Out of all of your people?"

"Well, he's the only one who has seen all sides of me....and loved it. He isn't like most who would have said, 'That is not how a Princess is supposed to act. Princesses can't practice magic. You should be a giver of light; not a scientist of death. You should…..

Then why don't you show them?"

"Excuse me, Darius?"

"As my mom said to me once. You can never accept others, until you first accept yourself. When you came out....I loved you. I loved you before, during, and my views of you have never changed. If you can combine that all together, then I..."


"Don't what?"

"Don't butter me up. Make me think I would make a worthy Queen. A best all around Leader. I mean.....you've seen me."

"You'll have another chance. You were being childish."

"Queens don't have a second chance, Darius. Once they put on the crown; they can never take it off again unless by force or will."

"Then....I am glad you are not a Queen."

"Am I a Princess?"


"Am I a Soldier?"


"Am I..."

"A friend, Rainbow. Darius is saying that friends don't give up on friends; no matter who they are."

"I'll see you again, Rainbow; and next time I see you....I'll know."

"Stop. You're making me cry. Usually people love going home, but why am I crying to go home? You're not my family. You're not my blood."

"Bring it in.

Here, take a Kleenex."

"Thank you."

"I'll miss you, Rainbow; but make me proud."

"I will, Darius."

"Promise me one thing."



"I'll save this Lollipop for you when you get back, but you have to promise that you want it."

"What do you mean, want it? Why wouldn't I...Ohhh....Ohhh...….I promise, Darius."

"Ruby, their is no need to do a X ray of her heart when in front of Natysh."

"Darius, you don't have a…."

"I know she'll tell the truth, and nothing but the truth."

"Thanks, Darius."

"Come on, Rainbow. I am sure she can't wait to give you the biggest of hugs."


"Ummmmm...…..Can I take DeathPetal with me?"


"Or will you lock him in a cage?"


"Oh, hey. There you are. Ruby, you said we would….."

"Not now, Dentist. Later."

"Wait, he's not Cloned?"

"....Let's just focus on you.

….Pick a Dragon."

"How is DeathPetal going to follow us? He doesn't know where Dropfarra is, and there's no way these Dragons are strong enough to....

…What are you doing?"

"Did Darius give you that?"

"It's a Sacred necklace. Only him and I were in the room."

"I understand."

"Hey….why'd you drop it?"

"DeathPetal will use it to track us.

Come on. Your Sister is waiting for us?"

"How do you know? Have you called her?"



"You honestly don't believe that if I had a sibling member I haven't seen for a long time, I would be loom and gloom about their return."

"Darius wasn't like that about Raphael."

"Ummm...…about that."

"Oh no...What did you do?"

"I'll tell you on the way."