
"Anything you need, My King. You know I will always provide."

"Love to hear that."

"But I must ask; why are you here at my school again? Classes don't start no for another couple hours or so.

Have we done something wrong?"

"No. No. On the Contrary. I have had the Kids come here early because I want to take them out on a...Mission Charity trip."

"Mission, charity trip?"

"I have had a friend who has asked me to help with the.....Do you know the Magic school that we….."

"Oh. That one. She has asked you to help donate some books and others to fulfill one Classroom of Literature?"


"Well you could've just asked first. I know you would never corrupt something as precious as a school; by doing more than you should, but again.....you're the King; and ahhh…Nicest Santa Claus around."


"I should stop talking right now, right?

…..Can I come with you, or…."

"Just here for the books…... .and your Kids of course. Will do them good to help out in need. A good life lesson in sharing."

"But no teachers or parents can help? Just Kids and books?"


I'm sure you'll let them know. Take the day off, and just relax. I promise they will be back for….."

"You can just have them."


"After all, they are yours."

"Actualy, they may obey me, but I would still feel guilty not asking."

"I think you just did."

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I promise not to get them into any trouble, or…."

"It's ok. Go."

"......Is He out?"

"He's gone. It's ok."

"Why would He want our Kids?"

"For a Field trip? Get them more hands on and involved."

"Involved in what?"


Don't you dare. The King asked for no Parents or Teachers to tag along."

"I'm not a teacher. I'm a Counselor.

What, you gonna stop me."

"You know I can't leave the school."

"Then I'll tell you what happens when I get back. They might need me."

"Why would they...…I am sure they are completely fine in the hands of…"


"Darius, what are you doing?"

"Painting the side of the school. Give it a fresh coat."

"I know that, but that's why you hire a Painter; not a guester. That way the paint brush is always in the hands of a….."

"What's the....oh shoot.

That Rainbow is a Kid.

Hey, get down off that Ladder.

RIVER!!!! Get her down, and try again with another; before she ruins everything.

…..Thanks, Kain."

"For what?"

"An extra pair of eyes. You and I are clearly not enough, but together we can be."

"Well, Dentist should be here any minute; if that helps. He might not be able to do much, but he has hands."

"Sounds good. When you see him, tell him I am back here; that is, after you...…what are you even doing?"



".....I thought I heard something."

"Kain, if you heard something then that means I would have felt i...….Hey, where are you going?

Elwin said we are supposed to do stuff together. What do you see?"

"Hopefully not what I think I see. Stay here. I'll call you when I need you."

"How? Kain, you don't even…..I don't...Kain?"



"Is this the School, my King?"

"She's the one. Come on."

"I still don't feel right about this."

"What's to fear? I didn't break and enter. Elwin gave me a key."

"Not that.


I know Elwin told you you could have a Classroom and get the Courses ready; but don't you think she would be here in person to see for herself?"

"She.....she.....that's what trust is, Kids. She trusts me, and henceforth I need you to trust me as well. As I do you. Trust me, she will thank us."

"But doesn't she want everything out in the open? Not hidden?"

"We're not hidden."

"Then why are Guards stationed outside the School; their spears and swords at the ready? Do you not want anyone to come in and ruin the surprise we have for Elwin? They might catch us giving, and ruin the show."