
"My son."

"Dad....I'm home.

I'm coming."


"You two are home early?"

"Everything go well?"

"He didn't come home."

"Who? Who didn't come home?"


"DragonFrog. I….uhhhhh....How'd you beat us home?"



"Hey, Kids.

…..You truly are Sentient, DragonFrog."

"I guess so."

"But what about living with the other Dragons where you belong? What about your…."

"What about them?

As you said, they're not Sentient. They don't understand emotions like us. They don't understand the word...…..No."

"Sorry it took me so long to realize that word."

"It's ok, DragonFrog. I am glad you realized your voice, but...."

"Ummm...Ruby, is it supposed to rain today cause there is a huge storm cloud headed our way."

"I wish Dragons could talk to."

"Can't they just leave me alone.

Why did my mom ever Awaken me? I wish...…I wish....I wish she didn't even try."

"DragonFrog, we all wish for a lot of things, but now is not the time to wish upon a star. You are the only person on earth who has Dragonblood, and now that they can smell that; they feel you are one of theirs and will do everything they can to make that so."

"But don't worry."

"You're not going anywhere."

"Girls, just let me leave. If I know my No would put you all in danger then….."

"We all make choices, Kid."

"And none of us can choose how we were born."

"Nor who our parents were."

"But we can choose who we are."

"And with you saying; 'No', now we know who you are."

"But I...nobody can fight a Dragon. Let alone an army.

Ruby, last time you died. At the School, you fried. Today…."

"I won't be fighting the Dragon."

"Excuse me?"


"Why are you all looking at me?"

"Ruby, why are you looking at my sister like that? I don't like when you have that gleam in your eyes."

"Natysh, you need your sister, but we all need Lolli.

Moe and his men are too far away to call. You and I both know the truth."

"But I don't have my Needles."

"What if they go big like last time?

What if they go Rogue?"

"Sometimes in order to fight a Rogue, you need a Rogue."

"An extra torchlight never hurt."

"Elwin, what….uhh...what are you doing here?"

"I brought the Kids!!!"





"Congratualtons on your baby, Natysh."

"Thank you."

They wanted to congratulate you in person...… did I...….but I don't think those Dragons were invited. Did you invite them?"


"DragonFrog? What are you doing here?"

"Less talk, more walk.

Elwin, you wanted your Dragons. you got em."