
"What do you mean? Their is no way that…."


Move your eyes. Can you see me? Can you see me, Kain?


Well he's not sleeping from any spells or exhaust. He would have woken up to that.


Oh no.

Why couldn't they freeze the gas too?

RIVER....RIVER. I need your help. I'm not strong enough to move these statues on my....River?

Oh crap."

"That's not even half of it, Elwin.

I one is hurt in any way. Nor are they breathing...…but they're not dead either. Just...…frozen in place."

"Ruby, Ruby, Ruby."

"Elwin, over here.

What is it, Darius?

Everything all good?"

"Everyone's frozen."

"So no crime, then?"

"That's the problem."


"Everyone's frozen."

"Darius, you are not making any sense. Everyone frozen is a problem because….


What was that?"


"You should come to the School as fast as you can.

King Evander and Kyle were fighting over who gets the Lab, and Kyle said that is one of the rooms off limits to keep. Evander didn't care and said that Elwin won't….."

"Darius, what happened?"

"One of the Canisters broke open, and the force is starting to make others open. I have closed off the doors, but even the glass is starting to form cracks and glow a bright….."

"We're on our way.

Oh, and Darius…..try to get everyone downstairs. Gas is like air. It only rises."

"Elevators not working."

"Shhh..shhh….shh….shhh....Then try to roll them into the Bathroom, and close the door."

"The Bathroom?"

"The only other biggest place besides the Cafeteria, but the Cafeteria doesn't have a closed door. Only a swing.

Bathroom walls are good at letting stench out, but also good at not letting any in.

I don't care if you put them in the guys bathroom or the girls. Both walls and doors are more durable than the Kitchens. Nothing is coming in."


Question. Do you think the Janitor was able to clean the Stalls before the Hospital was shut down, or….."

"Just go. In any case, the rotten odor will fight the smell for you. Sucking it up long before it reaches your noses.

There should be double wide Patient beds in the closest nearest the back. Just stack everyone up on top of each other. Might help you roll them easier."

"Ruby, why don't we just help them evacuate?"

"Who knows which ones got sick and which ones didn't. Do you want them spreading it to anyone else?"


"Then listen to me. You got it, Darius."

"Found them. They're ginormous. You must have had fatty…"

"They were big so that when one of us laid down and took our shots; the Nurses could restrain us as we transformed."

"I see."

".....Ready, Elwin?

Looks like it's just us three on this one."

"But what about the Shock?"

"Maybe we can kill two birds with one stone. Unless Candy can cure paralysis, then all our answers are back home."

"What do you want me to do with DragonFrog?"

"Put him with the other Dragon Eggs I gave you. Whatever he hatches, he'll be accepted."

"What about whatever we hatch?

Will they be accepted?"

"Let's just hope the gas hasn't spread that far enough to find out."