

"I know that voice. That sounds like…"


"Theresa, you've learned to master it. Congrats. I am proud of you."

"Thanks, but I know someone you won't be proud of."

"Who? Slow down. Breathe….What is it? What's the matter?"

"It's Kain."

"Where is he?"

"That's the thing. I don't know. Serenity went in to check on the two as she was walking the castle, but she only saw Elwin laying in bed. No Kain."

"Maybe he's around the Castle?"


"Outside the castle?"

"This early? Serenity had DeathPetal check, and when he couldn't pick up anything, he contacted the closest person animal he knew that would know where you were to ask for your help. And Ruby."


"He took one of the Swords from the Armory. Guard posted there, looked, and that's the last place he saw him. Do you think he..."

"Take Lion back to the School and show him the course. I'll go get Kain."

"Wait, you know where he is? Should I have woken up Elwin?"

"No. She need not worry."

"Why? Cause Kain is just out for a walk and will be back?"



"Oh no."


"I don't think Kain was just out for a walk, and I know that Ruby knows that."

"Let's just do what Ruby told us, and leave the convincing to her."

"You got it."



Come on stupid leg. Hurry up."

"........Leaving so soon?"

"You gonna stop me?"

"You going to turn and look at me?"


"Then no for me as well.


But I will warn you. If you leave…..when Elwin wakes up she will cry.

And so will your Kingdom."

"I bet my Kingdom is crying more than hers will be.

I heard the rumors.

...My father is getting more Menacing by the second."

"How do you…"

"I still have people over there who are loyal to me. And I plan on…."

"But you have people loyal to you here as well.

Kain, I told you to make a choice. Her or him?"

"I did. I chose her; but my KIngdom is different. I can't abandon them too. Watch on the sidelines as they fall to my fathers awful rules. We watched too many Kingdoms do that. Different story when you watch your own."

"You don't know that. What if you're wrong?"

".....And what if I'm right."

".......I can't stop you."

"Then don't."

"But I can't let you kill your father either."

"You would."

"Don't be me.

Drop the sword."


"You expect me to turn around now?"

"No. I expect you to keep walking."


"Just be home before lunch."

"You my mom now?"


"What about Elwin?"

"I'll talk to her. She'll understand."

"And what if…."

"Kain, you're a guy."

"What does that…"

"And as such, I am the one that can focus on many things; so just focus on your Father in a time where no one else is."

"You can feel it to?

Can…..can....can you tell me what I'll be walking into?"

"No. But I can tell you that everyone is dead. It's nothing but dark."

"Then just have my father flick on a light. I know you can. I've seen your…"

"You Father doesn't feel in the mood. Just go.

I feel he needs you more than we."