
"He came at me first."

"Did he say anything?"

"Just didn't want my anger to turn into him so he made sure.....I didn't turn into anyone."

"What now?

You're now the King of two Kingdoms, but there's no way you can keep track of both."

"Then why should we?"


You saying we…..…..but Kain... there's a reason why Kingdoms split apart. None of them have ever merged back together."

"Haven't you heard?"

"Heard what?"

".....All the Masses have abandoned Laphate, and I heard Kain is going back to comfort him. After all; a father is a father no matter what they did."

"Ruby, they're talking. I can hear them talking."

"Elwin, they will always talk to let them. Just be you and let them be them."

"You're right.

You're right.

I am just overthinking this. Kain is fine. He is helping his father. That's fine. And the others...….oh crap. If they left Laphate, then where are they?"



"Hi-C. The pool is not ready yet. Get out. Get out. Get out. I still have to clean it, structure it better, and then replicate it two more times."

"But I thought this was Evanders room?"

"One of them."

"Then why are you…."

"Do you see him anywhere?"

"Talk to him."




"Do you even know why we aren't talking?"

".....He got a bigger room then you and that makes you jealous?"


"Oh shoot. Someones calling. I gotta...Thanks for letting me take a dip in your pool, Mister."


"Until next time. Can't wait to see it all done. You're making great progress."



"Light as a feather but sting like a bee."

"Can I…help you? You called me?"


Your School uniforms."

"Uhoh. What did I..…"

"I fixed them."

"Give me that.

You sure you fixed them? How can I trust that this feud between you and Ruby hasn't caused your mind to turn these Uniforms against....why are some shirts blue and others purple? It was supposed to be all purple tops, blue underneath. What did you do? What did you do?"


"Distinction? What Kid needs to learn that? At their age all they need to focus on is having them and not caring about making Clicks. But now.....now...….why?"

"To separate those who passed and those who didn't?"

"Why not just give them a gold ribbon and a worldwide target on their back that says….wooooooooo. Look at me. Over here. Over here. If you want to take out the strongest threat, take me out. Please."

"Hi-C. I was just tyring to help. You don't have to think bad of me when you don't even know what that bad is."

"Sorry. I wasn't mad because of that. Just....This was my design that Ruby entrusted me with to mix the colors and make them pop, and….and…..…and you ruined it."


"Hi-C, she was just helping? Just like you."

"Well…..ask her to help somewhere else.....and no more touching my things. I said I would help you all on one condition that you don't touch these, and she....."

"Are those the new colors?


Very eye-catching indeed."

"No. They're not supposed to be separating the.....you really think so?"

"Would I ever lie to you?"

"I don't know. I just met you."

"Well I wouldn't. Not when it comes to fashion. Cause my Kingdom is all about….."

"Oh no. Here we go."


"It was the year nineteen…."


"Hey….hey. Hi-C, wait up. Can you hear me? Can you…."


Can't quite hear you. There must be too much noise in the air."

"Or maybe in your ears."


"Hey, I was listening to those."

"Hi-C, why did you even volunteer to come along if you know ahead of time that this would be a School. And in a School…..there is history. And in History…you learn about the long epic heroics of…"

"Sorry. If I knew Ruby wanted me to make uniforms for this then I…."

"What did you think you were making them for?"

".....A sports training facility? For Kids to train and work on their abilities?"

"Hi-C, this place is more than big enough for both. You live in this world the same as us, so why shouldn't you get to know who your neighbor is."

"....But don't worry. You can still have competition amongst the ranks. Friendly of course…..but competition nonetheless. Let me show you what Ruby was working on."