
"We're not missing anything, Ruby. In've given us all we need. We have a new lovely home...a vibrant community...."

"And more friends than we know what to do with."

"Darius, I thought that you didn't….."

"Well. That is what happens if you get a good night's sleep."

"Well, what if I told you you could soon be swimming in friends?"




"Sorry. I meant swimming 'with' friends, but you could'll be overwhelmed and happy to know..."

"The School is opening in three weeks. We heard. Rosa made an announcement."

"Well she's wrong. The School is not opening in three weeks. Nor two weeks, but only one week.

Monday...…starts first day."

"But what about the Curriculum you wanted too…"

"What Curriculum? Darius, Heartchilds…..this is a Magic School we are talking about. Dragons overhead....well….the nice ones Tai captured. Walking trees, talking plants, singing Fruits...angry Vegetables."

"Angry vegetables?"

"Okay. Maybe I do have a lot of things backwards, but that's what this is. No two days are ever the same. You can see that. So why should we have a 'Structured Factory?' "

"We're not a Factory."

"Exactly. No School should be, and to set ours apart...we won't be.

Unless their are years we decide to add a little bit of something."

"What do you mean by….'something?'"

"You'll see."


"What was that?"

"Why don't you just keep the doors open? Stop closing them."

"Because we don't know who could teleport through, Ruby. Someones gotta be smart."

"Darius, can you help me with the door?"


I wonder who's going to come out this time."

"Well, if you kept the doors open, they could come and go as they please."

"I don't make the rules. Sorry."




"Darius, what happened to playing it…."


"Darius, Vine Shield with me."

"How the hell did that thing get here?

Their is no way PlantLily is that…"

"Fight now, think later.

Grab the necklace before he wrecks everything."





"I'm ok. Just let me lay a little."

"Creature, my name is Ruby; and I command you to stop.



" everyone ok?"

"We heard…..….Darius, oh Darius. Are you hurt? Speak to me."

"I'm okay. But….

..We might need to close this Portal."

"Ruby, we told you that….."

"I'm sorry. I just...…Was PlantLily always that big?"

"That's what we've been trying to tell you. She keeps getting bigger and bigger so we have to barricade the doors more and more. Seal it off. Something is happening over on Xyones end and whatever it is, I don't like. It's affecting us here as well."

"Are any of the other Plants this big?"

"Not that we have seen. Only this one."

"I'll put a camouflage shield around this Shed. We'll have to…"

"Then how will people get in and out now?"

"Easy. People still have Plant Lilies everywhere, thanks to.....that Incident."

"You mean all of your controlled Kingdoms. What about the others?"

"We'll give them one on their first day of school."

"But what if something were to happen?"

"Nothing will happen. I am more worried about that plant than mine. Mine can only grow so big and certainly can't bring anybody in without my knowledge."