
"That might be true, Ruby...but you're not.

Well, not as the same girl you were, coming into here."

"What does that mean?"

"You will never win, Ruby."

"I don't need to win. Just change."

"As long as people remember the before, then they will never embrace the now."

"I take it you will do everything in your power to make sure I don't succeed?

Then why send your Clone to help me build? You know that when I come back, I can just continue where she left off."

"Can you?"

"....Guys…Hey Guys…look. Is that....."

"Oh no."

"Ruby's back already? I thought she said she would leave us for the day and not check in on us."

"Apparently that was a lie."

"Just like the many others."

"Wait, what's going on?"



"Why is River looking at her like she is….."

"Leave me, Puppy.


"The Enemy!!!!"


"Ruby would never attack us. Why is she…"


"Act now, questions later. That Forcefield won't last forever.

Go, go, go."






"....Let's see what these Suits really are made of."


"Never thought our first enemy training would be against Ruby herself."

"Stop thinking and get to doing."



"Everybody BRACE!!!!!!!"



"Wolfgirl, hold on."

"My feet are slipping. I can't…..Hold..on."

"Owl, can you fly overhead? Give us a visual?"

"I'll try.

…Come on Jacklyn. Let's see what your uniforms can do. On three, make me too weighted resistant to wind, but can still fly.







"This…..is not fair, Rhino. None of us can fight her. She can just turn us on each other. At the end of the day, we are animals just like the others. Their is nothing...strong enough to fight her."

"Wolfgirl, we can't give up. Even if she turns you, I promise that…."





RIP HER TO…..aaaaaggh….aaagghhh…."


"Kids, attack him."

"Yes, Master Ruby."

"Tank, I think now is the time we should call in for some..."



"Her Necklace? That's...…..that's not a locket.

Ruby told Darius she would never take it off, and before Darius gave her his, she never wore any jewelry of any kind."

"That would mean that..."

"That's not Ruby."

"It's a good thing you realized that when you did?"


"........Cause DeathPetal just ripped Rubys head off."