

"Come on. That's it, Ruby, Wake up. Wake up. Wake up."

"Jacklyn, I'm here. I'm here. I'm here."

"THERE THEY ARE. Trying to get away, are we."


"Air Bubble.....surround us and float us away."

"Come on, Ruby. Come.....Yes. You're with. She's away, Jacklyn."

"Wha….what's happening? Where are.....AAAGGGHHH...…flaming missiles incoming.



"Shoot. They got away."




*Sniff. Sniff. Sniff*

"Come on, Ariel. Let's get you back to bed."

"But she promised."

".....I'm sorry, Ariel. I can see you, but I can't rescue you. This Bubble only floats up....not down.

I promise I'll be back for you."

"And...…..Vine shield is completely covering the Bubble. We're safe now to sit and talk.



…I said we're safe now to sit and....what's up with Rainbow? Why does she look half awake? She's not even blinking her eyes when I wave. Almost as if....What did you do, Jacklyn? I swear, if you..."

"I promise I can't control her, if that's what you're looking for. But I needed her this way. You can change her back if you want to. I certainly can't."

"I....I...…..Jacklyn, if you didn't want Rainbow to hurt the Kids then you should've just asked her. I am sure she...….Jacklyn?


Are you even listening to me? Why are you crying? Do you have ties with that School? Is that why you took the risk, trusting that I could bring Rainbow back?

…..I can see it now.

Your mom called the aid of Rainbow to assist you in helping rescue me. So for that, I am deeply honored and forever in your....."

"You may have been the Mission, and Rainbow may have gotten her Reward back, but where is mine?"


".......What do you mean, lost? I am here.

Rest now, Rainbow. You deserve it."


"....Who's Ariel?

You mean the girl screaming your name that she was there? Was that Ariel?"

"........It's not that I was kicked out of the School, but what I didn't realize was that once you're Registered you have to wait out your years until Graduation...or Failing. No going home after classes get let out and kissing your mom; telling her that one day you'll be a Sorcerer; before heading back to next class.

I never made it to Graduation, but I know Ariel didn't even want to wait. She missed her family, but Headmaster said Feelings only caused complications. You could mess up a spell for losing track. Cause an injury because your mind wasn't focused, or..."

"Why didn't Ariel just fail and leave? Why didn't any of them?"

"Because at the end of the day....they were getting stronger; even without getting a written A in the class. They still improved.

So one day, Ariel finally had enough. She wanted to escape, but needed help. My help. And I offered to give it.

The Plan was set up, Guards in places, Layout.....laid, and steps.....taken. What Ariel failed to mention however was that the Kids also helped aid in making an escape plan fail. She ran into a buddy of hers and thought she was golden so she turned around; gave me the wink telling me everything was alright and then confidently turned back around. But when she did, her buddy's smile quickly changed as he yelled out, 'Over here. Over here. I got her. I got one, but the others escaping.'

His yells attracted others, and they saw me. In that moment, I only had a few options. Rescue Ariel.....and face getting caught.....or flee. Even helping an Escappee, lands you in the box. Being the Escapee, helping the Escapee, and even not helping aid in finding the Escapee, all land you in the Box.

Even.....a successful escape attempt still punishes the whole School to the box."

"So you left? That's a good call if I do say so because if you intervened, then the others would certainly have fought back; and a quiet night would quickly turn into the bloodiest moon."

"Before I left, I hopped on an open Window and although not wanting to leave, myself; I knew, you never pass up on an opportunity.

Looked at her; promised I'd be back to rescue her. Then...….let go…..and floated awaythrough the night air.

Now that I've finally come back.....I have again left.....but still without her."

"........Let go of me. Let go of me. Let go of me."

"Ariel, please get in bed before Headmaster sees you himself. If so, you know what he'll do."

"Personally, bring you to the Box."

"Just get some shut eye, and try not to continue to fantasize about your relationship with Jacklyn. She's no longer your friend.

….She has made that perfectly clear tonight.


"....................Our friendship...…..is not...…a fantasy."