Dive in


"Enjoy yourselves, girls; and have an amazing rest of the day.

Here are your test papers with your grades, so you can see how well you did. Stay blossoming."

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

"Here you go. Here you go. Here you go. Here you…."

"But, Mrs. Blossom. I thought you said you were going to tell us who we would be partnering with? You haven't even said a single word, so unless it's air; then…."

"But I have told you. The name will be written on the backside of your Test.

That way, nobody can complain during class about how they hate their partner. If they want to do that, then they'll have to do it straight to that person's face."

"I wouldn't do that. I would just not look."

"And risk not winning? Even you….would find a way to get through.

Here's your papers, Ladies. Have a good day."


"Thanks, Blossom."

"Where do you think you're going Ari..fail; Uuhhhhhh…I mean Ariel?


I said I wanted to see you after class."

"It's ok. You can call me that, for that is more than just a name."

"What's going on? I take it that 'sleeping in' was not your real excuse?"

"Can I have my paper please?"

"Ariel, if you ever need to talk, I am here."


"Oh, and before you head to your next class; I want to tell you something about your partner you'll be working with. You might not get an A, but that's not the real reason why I am having you do this assignment."

"Then what is?"

"....You'll find out. Bye now."

"Bye, Mrs. B."

"Oooh...Ohhh.. Dustyn. Dustyn. Hey, Dustyn. Over here."



Stephanie, you're like a snake. How'd you get over here so fa…."

"Are you just going to sit there and complain about the speed of my legs, or the speed of my lips?"

"You know that answer.


So how was your first class? Boring and mundane and usual?"

"See, I don't even need a mouth. You know what I am going to say even before I do."

"Oh, Dustyn; you're making me blush. Stop that."

"I'm serious. If I could pick you as a partner, then….."

"I know exactly who we would bring to life, and then we could show everyone what true power looks like."

"Drawing your name on the wall? Piff. How stupid. Anybody can create a person. It's not like people are walking around creating babies who cry. Right? It's easy; just picture yourself and….*Poof*.....A person is born. Not hard.

What? I am sure you created the elusive Queen Elwin and then gave her powers of shock, so that she can go around and shock everyone into submission."


Dustyn, do you love me?"

"You ask that everyday, and every day I say the same thing."

"You do? It doesn't hurt to say it again."

"I love you, Stephanie. Always have, always will."

"Why do you love me?"

"Come on, Dustyn. We need to get to class. Biology of a frog. First one to bring it to life wins."

"Uhh…I gotta go, Stephanie. Talk later."

"And you always say that...every day, too."

"You coming, Stephanie? Don't want to be late, or else you'll have to make the excuse of.....'sleeping in.' "


No bother. I am sure he loves me for my smarts and not just my looks. I mean, I may not be the most popular, but I do know how to handle my own. The baby was just a fluke...a mistake.....a problem...…..but I know the solution.

Coming, Girls. Be right there."