
" 'I can see you, Ariel. I can see you.'

...…..I...…can....see you.


"I'm a Barbie girl. In a barbie…"

"Ruby, shh. No phones during the Ceremony."

"Sorry, I'll be quick."



"Ruby, where are you?"


"Yes. Who else? Now where…."

"I'm not telling you cause I know what you want, but I can't give it. Jacklyn, we barely made it out with our lives; and I almost didn't have one anymore. Let's just wait a few days; let everyone calm down....grab their breaths...…clean up at home...…and then I promise we will storm your School together and give the Headmaster hell. Then we'll fly away with Ariel on our back. Sounds good? Get in, get out. Easy peasy, lemon squeesy. Give me a bite and call me….."


"Hey, that's not how the saying goes. You didn't let me finish."

"You do know if I can't get you, then I'll go oin myself."

"You'd die."

"If Ariel lives, then it'll be worth it."

"Jacklyn, you don't get it. Both of you will die. Headmaster won't let anyone leave. Past or present Registeree."

"THEN WHAT DO YOU SUGGEST I DO? SIT AND PRAY? What good will that do?"

"At least you'll still be alive.

It's stupid of us to go back when everyone is not at their best. We're still recovering."

"Yeah, and so is he. If he hasn't brought up his forcesheidl by now like you have, then he'll do it soon. We have one shot at this before he does. Are you in....or out?"


".......You're right you're out.

Should've left you in that Tank and never came to rescue you."

"Jacklyn, don't be like that. Listen here. I said I'll…."

"NO. YOU...….DON'T BE LIKE THAT. As I told Rainbow, I don't know any of your friends besides her, but I do know that she looks up to you, and henceforth everyone else does as well.

But if this is the real you that they see.....then they're blind. I want nothing to do with them."

"Jacklyn, just as I told Rainbow; you can't just charge in and save everyone. Sometimes you have to face the fact that…."

"They're already dead?

...…..I'll never face that fact. As long as I'm breathing, then so is she. Whether she be in the Box.....or out of it."

"It's a suicide mission, Jacklyn. Just wait for me."

"Wait for you to come home? When will that be?"

"Ooooo….Ruby, Theo is up next after this. I can see him."

"I'm sorry. I have to let you go now. I am helping a friend escape his past."

"But what about a girl escape her future?





"Is she coming? What did she say? When will she..."

"She told us to wait."


But just like you said; the timing is right. Headmaster and the Kids won't expect a thing.

Yes, I know it is the middle of the day and all the Kids are out, but once School lets out then…."

"They'll still be on Campus, Rainbow. Nobody ever leaves. The Forest Creatures never allow that. It plays with your fears and turns them against you into a real life creature."

"So what do we do?"

"What can we do?

….We wait."

"But for how long? A few minutes? A few hours? A few days? How long?"

"I don't know."

"She didn't say?"


....All she said was, 'Wait.

So that's what we're gonna do. No matter how long it takes. We just have to pray she turns around soon."