
"There he is."

"Are you sure that this will work? Maybe I should….."

"No. Allow me."

"But nobody can understand us, Stephanie."

"I know my Dustyn. He can understand me even when I mumble and jumble in my sleep.

Guard the door."

"Uhhh…..with what?"

"You'll think of something."

"So, I was standing there with my arms propped over my back, wanting to ask her out, but she totally flat out declined my offer."

"So she dumped you?"

"No, bro. She was totally into me. I could tell in her eyes. She just wanted me to chase her, and I knew that that would not be a….."

"Hi, Dustyn."


"Aren't you happy to see me?"

"So, the rumor is true? You did it in class, and you did it here. But why...why…..why…..on yourself?"

"Ummmm. Dustyn.

Dus…..tyn!!! Hello.

Why are you talking to a Baby? Can you understand her or something, cause all I hear is 'Waaaaaa. I want to go back to where I came. Can you please help me.'"


"Guys, can you give us the room?"

"You really think we are going to leave you alone to 'talk' to a Baby? How crazy are you? Is there something you're not telling us?


You did.

How was it? Did she…."

"Who was she?"

"...Please leave."

"Fine, but I asked questions, so now I want answers.



"Thank you.

….So, who were you trying to show off to this time?"

"Dustyn, cut the jokes. Can you help me or not? I know you have before, and will do it again. You are the only one strong enough...…and….that I trust."

"What makes you think I will help you again?"

"What do you want me to say? I told you those words a thousand times, but you have never said them to me."

"Yes I have. When you were clean.....when you were a Baby.....and when you...were physically being a Baby."

"Then what's stopping you? Take out your hands and do the jingle."



"You raised your voice at me, and aren't acting very fair."


"You're almost acting like the big baby you are. Didn't even say please. Didn't even say thank you. Didn't even…."

"Dustyn, I don't have time to talk proper etiquette. Will you reverse my spell or not? If not, then I will find someone else."

"Who else is there more powerful than me?

....That's what I thought.

Now come on. Crawl into my arms and I'll get you checked out."

"Can you carry one more?"



"Who is she? I know that voice. Isn't she….."

"She's a friend.



Your puppy dog eyes melted my heart before, and now they're boiling it with your cute Baby eyes. Come on up here, Little one. Don't be shy. I'm not going to hurt you."

"Why can't you transform us here?"

"I need a medium. An old photo of you, and a Mirror. There are lots of Mirrors here, but the only place I have you… in my room."


"Ewwwww!!!! Stephanie, your friend just barfed all over my new shirt. What gives?"

"Maybe you should save the dirty roomtalk to you know…..…when we're in the room."

"You could have warned me that she was a barfer and had a weak gut?"


Wait, isn't your Dorm room that way? Why are we stopping near the restrooms? Is it because my friend threw up all over you?"



*Knock, Knock, Knock*

"Hey, I know this place.

I thought you were taking us to get changed; not to a Kids bouncy house. We're not Kids, Dustyn. We're not..."

"He knows.....he just knows what's good for him."


"...You can call off your search, sir. The two are right here."

"You ratted on us? Not cool, Dustyn. Not cool. I thought we were close."

"Close enough to throw up on me? I think not.

Headmaster, take these Kids at once. I need to go wash up."