
"How could you forget a face as beautiful as this?

Are you not grateful?

Ruby, everytime you come home; you doubt my loyalty and sincerity, but I always say the name.

No, no one is hurt. No, everyone is fine. Yes, everyone is healed; and yes….everyones happy. That's what I do. Make sure people in my Kingdoms are happy."



".....Lolli was definitely here."

"You know, I still don't know who she is; but I am glad what she is. If she weren't here then all our Kingdoms would be doomed. These Creatures would have attacked, and we'd be goners."

"I wish I could thank her...…wherever she is.

Wonder if Ruby is giving her praise for all her valiant deeds."

"What else would she be giving?"

"Lolli, what about protecting people outside of our Kigdoms?"

"If you want me to, I can protect the ones not under your control."

"Ruby, what are you…"

"What about places…..….not…under a Kingship?"

"Ruby, unlike you; I have one mission, one goal, and one skillet set only. And I will sharpen that skillset as much need be for me to protect the whole world."

"What if you can't?"

"Then I will put Barriers around the ones I can, and keep out the ones I can't."




"....Ruby, what was that all about? She saved our butts big time and has been ever since she was bor. What's so…..."

"I would still prefer having Kain or someone who is actually, physically here.

Doesn't excuse his behavior."

"I know.

And I know it will take a bit getting used to, but now we don't have to run around all over creation saving people. Lolli has got that covered. We can finally put down our Protective hats, and focus on what matters."


Never got the chance to do that.

..You ready, Serenity?"

"Why are we in Jasmine's lab again, and not, you know…above the Surface?"

"If anything goes bad, the water will prevent bad to worse. You've seen what it can do."

"You've also seen what I can do, and I am…."

"No time to argue. The cakes getting cold."

"Serenity, cake does not get…"


"It's all you now, Elwin. I can start to see her bodies spliitng apart. Just close your eyes and shoot."

"Wait, don't close your eyes. I want you to…"





"..........Is it ok to open my eyes?"

"...Mine too?"

"...It worked.


...It worked!!!!!!


"Serenity, there is nobody here but us."

"Never make me do that again.'

"Well, until we can find a Machine that can Split, I trust you anyday."

"Why don't I make one?"

"Rainbow, you're a princess; not a…."

"Still can't get over DeathPetal and Lolli?

I see. I'll just…..I'll just go back to my sisters then."

"Rainbow wait.

….I didn't say you can't make one. I am just saying no ….'Alternative.'.......will ever replace a human."

"I know.

Technology is created to help; not to destroy; and not to replace.

I'll see if Lolli can connect with a....Woooo….Slow down there, Ariel. What's the rush?"

"Where is she? Where is she? Where is she? I want to see her. Is she ok? Has she returned? Can she….wooooo.

Who's pulling me towards them? I can't move. I can't…."

"Hello, Ariel.

Yes, I still have my powers back; yes…..we are still friends.....yes, I found a place for Stephanie to go; and yes...."

"I still believe in you."

"That's not what I was going to…"


"Sometimes actions speak louder than words.

…..Thank you, Rainbow. Thank you, Elwin. Thank you, Ruby."

"No need to thank us. I was just...actually, if I hadn't have…."


"I see. Actions do speak louder than words."

"I don't care how, why, or where. All I care about is Jacklyn is back. That's what matters."