
"Woooooo. Isn't this a little high, don't you think?"

"Relax, Stephanie. If I wanted you to fall, then I would have pushed you long ago."

"Very comforting."

"Just don't look down, but even if you do; their is so much air between the top of this Bell Tower and the ground that I will catch you. Trust me?"

"I trust Ariel more than you.

More than a Star? Stephanie, I had crowds lined up screaming my name.




"Exactly. Everything was already out there, you didn't need to hide anything. So….those are the worst kinds of people. Too wrapped up in image, they hide their trueselves to the point where they don't even remember what it was they were hiding."

"Why does everyone think it gets lonely at the top? I had friends...I had followers.....and I had helpers. They're only a fan if you treat them as such, and forget they are just a kid in one class higher than you. Use their approval against them."


"See what I mean?"

"Stephanie, not everything has to be survival of the fittest."

"But Jacklyn; if you don't have a skill, then you have to fake it till you…."



Everything is based off of looks, not intelligence like Dairus, or adaptability like Rainbow.

Or Protection like Ruby."

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"Is that what you are? Jealous?"

".....Nooooo. Why would I be….."

"Stephanie, you believe yourself to have no skills, and no ability or want to learn new ones."

"I do.

…Just need someone to help me."

"A Tutor?"

"Hey. that's a swear word."

"Wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. I can't help you, but I know they can. A Counselor tells you to train, a Tutor helps you train."

"Who would want to work with a rebellious, expelled, troublemaker, prankster like me. I have no light in me at all. The only reason I am not throwing you off of this Tower because your words anger me, is because I think you would love me to throw you off.

In fact..."

"Just read your letter and see what Ariel thinks of you. Everybody sees you as all those things you said, but that doesn't mean you have to be them."


…Better than being laughed at with a Tutor…..your mom assigned for you…..Without so much as telling me who.

From that day on, I made it my mission not to be laughed at ever again, and be the most troublesome kid ever so that way Mom could never ever ever find another Tutor for me again."

"Stephanie, our fame precedes us. Everysingle kid who walks through those doors down there tomorrow, will know who we are; even if we don't know them.

Does it matter what they think? Or do you believe what's written in that letter you're holding?"

"How are you so confident Ariel wrote only good things about me?"

"...I'm not."

"Very supportive."

"I've only seen one side of you. Whatever side Ariel sees...…..I would love to see that too."



I should be opening this letter to tell you how much I think so young of you, but as it turned out; we were both the Babies. Only one difference. I am going to tell people I was a Baby. Yes, I am. Yes sirree. No one is going to believe me, and the ones that will are going to be so envious that I got to be one before they. Babies are the accomplishment and utmost respected praise here in my Society.

Needless to say, you used your failure to create the ultimate escape proof plan. Quick thinking on your foot I would say. friend..…is a skill, and a Skill I would literally stake my life upon.

Just glad I didn't do it every sense of the word cause your kicking me almost sent me to be with the Stars. I want to go there someday, but not like that. Then you should've seen my shock to see you….of all people opening my cell door. Amazing. If you can change like a snap, I don't know what happened…..and still don't; but in that moment you put aside your fear of being the real you and just said here. I have a little, but I give it all.

That….is what this world needs.

No fear!!!!!!

I call you…........…Abahijeevan."