
"I think…..I need to pack for my next adventure. Someone else called me."

"Rainbow, isn't that what Lolli is for?"

"She lacks human connection, and you.....aren't with the times. I told you…"

"Yeah, yeah; I remember. They are designed to help, not replace."

"Plus, someones gotta keep an eye on her."

"Glad it's not me. I'd replace her."

"Hey!! Keep your voice down. She has eyes everywhere. You'll come around."

"We still need to find staff to watch the Computers, cause right now…."

"I know.

She's in absolute control.

...Where will you be? The one place where you also have absolute control?"

"Not today. Can't believe Ariel still thinks of me as a Monster.

I need to go clear my head and do one thing that I don't do a lot of."

"Overthink it?"

"...Exactly. This time….I have to. Love you, Rainbow; and good luck."

"Good luck to you as well."

"Opened or closed?"

"You can close the door behind you if you want. I'll still be a few."

"Got it. Hope to see you later today when we....*Vrfooom*



Uhmmm….if you're out there, you forgot to close the bedroom door. I think you....Ruby?"


Oh no. No, no, no, no, no.

I can't be here. I told myself that I would….."



"Yes, Rainbow?"

"Could you take over this search and rescue for me?"

"Of course. Anything to please you."

"Remember, they are a family of five and can't find their Grandfather. nice to them. They were at their house one second, looked away; and then a bird took him away the second.

You wouldn't happen to know?"

"Rainbow, are you accusing me? I am not as strong as Ruby. I can't hear the thoughts of every single animal all the time. I am limited in my powers....just like Ruby; but I'll look into it...…for you."

"Thank you.

I have some exploring of my own. Over and out."

"Over and out."

"Ruby, hang on. Wherever you went, I am...….aaaaaaaghhhhhh!!!!


"Glad to meet you again, Rainbow. But when I meant I'll see you later, I meant later later; not minutes later."

"Sorry. I was trying to find you. Walked through my door, and then got sucked in here. What is this place?"

"A very....very...…..bad place that no one should ever go to."

"Awwwwwwwwwww, is that how you think of me, Ruby?

I thought we were friends. Really...really....close friends."

"Ruby, what is he....



You need not worry little one. They're all right here. Just let me turn the lights on to show you."


*Ding...….ting...…..ting…..ting...ting, ting, ting, ting.....ting*








"Where are we?"

"I don't know. I'm blinking like crazy from the reflective sunlight off of the…."


"Welcome back, Elwin.

Ruby doesn't miss me, which makes me sad; but you miss me, don't you?"

"Why are we back here? What do you want us to see in these Mirrors, and how.....

I shut off the Closet."

"Hooo…hooo. You shut off one access way, but the door itself was not a portal. The Spell is the portal. Any door can be used….to access your future.Please, I know you all have questions; so come forth. Who would like to go first? Pick a mirror, and tell me what you see."

"Ruby, is he really telling the truth? Can we see our future in these Mirrors? Not a reflection...…..not a gimmick?"

"Rainbow, these are not illusions."


"You don't know who brought you here? Ariel of the seventeenth battalion has written you up to come."

"Oldest spell in the book. Only certain names can be used. Write it down, wish it; and poof; if you have questions, they will be answered."

"So, I ask again; 'Which Brave soul among you would like to find out if your name is the best Suitor?