
"I guess I do."

"You did it, Elwin. You conquered the Kingdoms, and you have made them all one. Your Father would be so proud."



"Someoene's hungry. Remember what I showed you last time?"


"Want to see what's next? Every Queen celebrates a feast after a victory, and I see that you do too. Look, here comes the Maids to set the Table for you now."

"Ooooo….It smells good. I am sure Serenity has cooked an amazing, most mouthwatering feast. Just the...…wait a second. What is she doing here?"

"Rainbow, could you get me some more water please?"

"Right away."

"Hey, you can talk to Ruby later."

"Guardian, what is this? Why am I…."

"Come here, Erwin. You got a story for me?"

"Only the best and brightest for the most fairest."

"Wait a second. He's supposed to say that to his mother, not me. Where even is Natysh?"




"Elwin, if that's you; I don't want to talk anymore. You've already taken Erwin; just take me to, and end this. I can't stand listening to his crys of joys over my dungeon cell. Those cries should have been for more. No. They should always be for me...…not you."

"Guardian, what is this? I would never do this to Natysh?"

"Out of all the Royals, who do you see the lease? Every single one of them has their name stamped on your School, and etched into the Merged name; but where is hers?

Ask her that."


"Rainbow kept trying and trying to convince Natysh to merge her kingdom as the final piece, but Natysh.....Natysh wouldn't let go. So, you took evasive action and took her Kingdom by force. How? Taking the one thing she cares about most."


"Try again."


"...Try again.

….You assured Rainbow you would make things right....and she believed you.

'No matter what it takes. We need to correct the wrong. My family has always held your Fire back and snuffed it out; but please; I know Natysh can change. I trust that whatever you do, you will help her come to her senses so she knows you are not an evil symbol of your father; but a nice…..kind...caring…..Queen that we all know and love. I will follow you to the end of my days if I must."

........Unlike Her.' "

"No. I...…..I do not use force to get what I want. Everything that I do is in the light. Nothing is hidden from no one. I made that absolutely clear."

"Have you?

'Their is no way my name can mean 'Little Girl'. I am a Princess...…no. A Queen. A Queen who will bring everyone together. I'm not weak. I'm strong, and I will show everyone that is the truth."


I would never break my own trust. Rules were never meant to be broken; especially if you yourself enacted them."

"So, do you accept the name...…..or give it up?"

"Ruby's family made the mistake of ruling over did Lolli...….but I am neither.

You let everyone in...…..we wil all be strong together."

"Try explaining that to Natysh.

Want the keys? Just reach out your hand and grab them.

Just four steps, open the door, and everyones smiling."

"You really think she'll forgive me?"

"That's for you to find out."

"Wait…..wait….You said everything that happens here, does not impact out there."


"Then why do it?"

"You are not one hundred percent guaranteed to have this future, but wouldn't you like to be prepared how to fix it, if it were to happen?

Take the keys."



"Elwin, what are you doing? I don't want to go out there and be another party clown for you. I want to see my son.


"Elwin, don't worry. I know you don't trust me from all that I have or may have done to you, but trust me now."

"Trust you?"

"Elwin, you broke your one and only golden rule. If trust is too weak for even you, then why should it be strong in others?

You know what, skip my Supper. I'm not hungry."

"You're not hungry to escape?"


"Just let me put these in your…."


"SHE SAID.....'SHE'S NOT...…HUNGRY!!!!!"

"Guardian, who said that? I can't see."

"Turn around and look for yourself."

"Elwin, please drop the keys; and nothing will happen."
