
"Ruby, wait up. Wait up."

"Theo, what are you…."

"I passed.


"You...…you did?"

"Yes. And it's all because of you. Without you, I would have...I would have freezed up."

"But your family. They….."

"I know. They were loud and rambunctious. At first, they were messing me up...….like you saw.

Bu then I remembered how much their noise actually helps. Although I wished everything in me for them to stop yelling and let me focus, I realized something."


"They just want to help. It wasn't easy, but I barely...…..just barely passed. A few points away from completion."

"So why aren't you locked up?"

"My wife had a serious talkin with Rosa and said if you don't pass my Theo and give him the four remaining points, then I will go to Ruby and tell her everything. She'll pull you from the School; I'll expose that you never thought they would succeed…"

"I already knew that."

"And she said potty words."

"Oh…...I think those were the tickets right there. So threatening and vulgar, anyone would awtfully feel scared."

"So...What are you doing in town? Putting on another show?"

"Yes...….but not for me. This day has been nothing but rounding up teachers, representatives, and first year children; convincing them that Normals and Halfs can coexist."

"That's gonna be hard to do. Their behavior is so different. We're talking Jealously.....anger.....resentment...…..people might act towards...."

"That's why we have a dedicated counselor."


No, no, no, no, I thought you were going to put me in as a Teacher.

You.....you don't trust that I would be a good Teacher, do you?"

"That's not it. I know you....have a way with words...…that not many people like to hear often….."

"What you saying?"

"So, if people come to you seeking help instead of you being a Cora and wanting them to change, that means they have already taken the first steps to get into the passenger seat Now, just need a hand to start the car, and drive them the rest of the way."

"Where am I taking them?"

"For now...…..bed. For me...…..a thank you."

"Ummmmm....I don't think she wants to talk to you right now. Told my wife that you are starting to get bossy. Coming in, taking what you want; doing whatever you want, and using your influence over people to give them a passing score without them needing to try. She feels she has no rules anymore, because you always act above them."


"Thanks for the heads up. Anything else?"


She has let all my brothers out as well."


"What's the point of sending them through class when you will just step on her toes, override her rules, and bring her down if they don't pass?"

"You wipe that smile off your face right now."


"They're gonna have to go through the same thing you are. I am changing rules, and I am making new ones; but that doesn't mean you all get to just sit down in my shadow."

"Ruby, I thought you…."




Ruby, if you want me to release the others, I already have. If you want me to give you anything, I know you will. Just take what you want and….


"......But what I want...…is you."

"GUARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GUARDS!!!!!!!!!!"

"All of you."




…..We're here. We're here. What seems to be the problem, Miss?"

"She was here....in this room. She.....she...."

"Who was here? A Tresspaper?"

"A thief?"

"Did they take anything?"

"Did they hurt you in any way?"

"No. No."

"Where did she go?'

"I don't know. Ruby was here one minute, and then the lighting took her away the next, but she didn't leave behind a trail this time. Almost as if...…"

"Jacklyn, let go of me. I need to talk to…"

"Shhh. They'll hear you."

"Almost as if she had help."

"Ruby, you don't always need to help. You don't always need to be the hero Protector. Sometimes, a good Protector knows that when someones crying; it's best to just let them throw it all out there. Not everybody needs to be a happy rainbow."

"But Jacklyn, she is scared of me now. I could see it in her eyes, even before I entered the room.

She thinks I am taking over."

"Are you?"

"Well, no."


"Don't lie to me, Ruby.

You thought you could just come back to life, change the past, everything is good. Everybody loves you. No one fears you, and you don't incur any consequences of the Present.

…...How stupid are you?"

"Find her. Don't just stand there. Look. Check under everything. Check in anything. And bring Leo to me while you're at it.

This stupid school. It was supposed to bring awareness that I am the best, but first the School, then our Kids, and finally adults too. When will her power end?


WHY...….. ARE YOU...….. STILL STANDING THERE? GO!!!!!!!!!!!!