
"You know, they really don't take your threats seriously.

Didn't even go into hiding, but the exact opposite. Almost too easy if you ask me."

"Nothing in life is easy."

"Where are you going?

The Castle is that way."

"I know."

"There's nowhere to go at this time of night. Please, at least let us…."


I have to do this on my own."


"Who's there?"


"I got a sword and I am not afraid to…."


"Oh, it's just a Snake. For a sec, I thought that I…"



"Shhh. It's just me."


"Where are you going this time of night? You know it's dangerous to travel alone. Where are your guards?"

"My guards?"


"........You're my guard."

"Funny, but you never answered my question; 'Where…..are you going? And why can't you tell anybody?"

"Theo, unlike you; Ruby doesn't hate anything about you. She knows your excuse for not stepping foot on the School is because you were busy getting your life together, but me….."


You think you can just show up, and nothing will happen? Blink your eyes twice, and the past goes away.

Well, I know one hundred eyes who can confirm that you indeed never ever set foot anywhere near that School while it was being built, let alone….."

"Shut it, or I am sending you back."

"Then where would you be if I went?

When was the last time you took a stroll through the woods..........ON...Your own!!!!!!!!!!!

You remember, I was a trader and the top Middleman delivering good left and right without getting caught. I bet I know this place like the back of my hand."

"Okay, wise guy.

You failed your obedience, but guess I wasn't being fair. To be a good leader, you have to step down to where the person is at in order to raise them up. me what you got."

"Well, I...….."

"What, can't navigate in the dark? Need your precious light to…."


"No. If you can't lead me, then I will lead me myself; because that is what I am. I am the leader. I am the…."

"Stupido who is about to get herself killed."



Aaaaaagh…..what was that for? Why'd you push me?"





"Rosa, I know you have never used that sword a day in your life, but please...….use it now.

I can't lift this Bear in the air forever. My arms are getting…."




"Don't you dare say this is another one of your, 'I thought it was a good idea to talk about, but failed to realize what I was actually getting into moments.'









"Theo, come over here. Quick."

"Why did the Wolves immediately go after the Bear and not us? Almost as if they…."


"Did that wolf just?"


"What are you?"

"I thought you knew. You were promoting us."


"What are you even doing out here? Want to get yourself killed. I'll tell you right now, whatever you're trying to accomplish is stupid. Go home."


"I didn't forget. Just waving goodbye to my brothers and sisters.

*Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp. Chirp, chir…..cha…cha….chirp."

"What did the Squirrels say?"

"It's not safe here.

Lolli knows a place."

"Lolli? I thought that squirrel was a he."

"He is."

"Then who is, Lolli?"

"You really need to do your research.

Here she comes."

"That's...….not Lolli. That's Deathpetal. Rainbows creature; but why is his eyes closed? He can't see."

"Again, you really need to do your research."

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait."

"Thank you little Squirrel. Rosa, here. Tear this leaf up and wrap stitches around Theo's cuts."

"How do you…."


He doesn't have time for me to explain.

Come on DeathPetal."

"Where are we going?"

"You act like you don't know what magic is, let alone who you are. I'm taking you home."

"No. I want to see the School. NOW!!! After all, I promoted it; I want to see it."

"...........You'll see it tomorrow."


"You're not in a position to complain, Missy."

"Oh, bossy aren't we, Wolfgirl."

"I'm not bossy. Just know what I need to do to survive down here. The weak perish."


"....Lolli, can you turn us around?

This better be important."