
"Should we..."



Those mothers have lost Children, and you're just telling us to wait? You are completely out of your mind. This whole School is. Now out of my way. We are coming through."

"Well, who else wants to join in on the Search? Come on…..We can't all fit together.

Why are you just standing there?"






"Everyone else."

"We know for a fact that you would not slave to build this School, just to have Kids be sucked up inside. We may not see your Security, but we know you."

"And if you told us to trust you, then that we will."

"Come on.

I'll show you where they all are, but…if you wait three minutes then I will teleport us there first class. Promise."



"If anybody can help us, Jackyln can. She feels like she is the only one who can understand child behavior...….unlike these other Birds.

Come on, Ladies. Let's go have ourselves a talk, and see what's up with out disappearing Kids."



"Missed me. Missed me. Now you gotta kiss me."

"Stand still and I will."


I'm finally gonna get a kiss on the lips from Jacklyn her…."



"You mean a Kiss to the gut."

"You're….......outta here.

And that, ladies and gentleman, is how you shut the lights off on a show."



"Or shut them."

"Jacklyn, we have a problem, and were hoping that you could help us."

"We can't find our Kids and they...…"



"What are you...…."

"We were just playing with…."

"Come on. You can play in your own time."


"I'll give you to the count of three, and you best be standing here, right by my side; hand in hand."

"Same goes for you."

"And you."

"And you."

"Don't think you're exempt either."

"Sorry Jacklyn. It's been fun."


"Maybe tomorrow?"

"Their will be no tomorrow for you."


"We're checking out of this School this minute."

"Maybe later?"

"How bout never.


"Guess it's goodbye then."

"Guess it is."

"NOT SO FAST!!!!!!!!!!!"


"Ruby, Rainbow....Elwin."

"So now you decide to show up?"

"A little late for that."

"We're leaving. Come on, Children."

"Hold it.

Before you leave, answer me this.

Do you trust me?"

"What kind of stupid question is that? Your tactics…..are terrible. Your formation...…not thought out."

"Your stance...…obsolete."

":And your safety...…..seocnd to none...…"


"You're right. Our School does lack many of the features of a regular School. It lacks many protective hazards, and many safety switches; but what it lacks in defense, it makes up for in….."

"Save it Princesses.

If this is how you run your Kingdoms, then we want no part in it."


"That's what we think, and if anybody else thinks this way....we don't discriminate.

Unlike some people."


....No Pickers?

Fine. We'll just toil our own grass."




"......Bye everyone."


"........Well, that takes care of them."

"So, Ruby."


"I know we said we trust you and all, but..."

"You'd still like to see for yourself?"

"Ruby, I thought you said we can't show them…."

"Then follow me, and I'll happily explain everything."


"Now that's a Super Computer."