
"Sorry if I broke the run. I was just...in the Zone, you know.


"One stretchy Rockmonster.


"Stretchy Rock?"

"Ruby, all of these Kids powers have been sitting dormant for years. Like glue, the longer they sit; the more they pull away. We'll just have to form them back up."


With Duct tape? Come on. We're outta here."

"How is it that Mists, and Rogues are still somewhat intact, but these Kids powers are not?"

"Elwin, what Rainbow says might hold some truth as to why we're getting all failed powers.

With the Rogues, and the Mists; we may be one, but our bodies are two different. Everytime one comes up, the other goes into stasis; but now....their powers grow just as they do. And like anything else, the more you neglect it......grass only can grow the way you turn it."

"What...Ruby is trying to say is that their powers are not dormant sentient beings like others. Instead, they are like muscle. They are always there, but you can't just pull off your skin and reveal them. You have to workout to bring them to surface. If not, they'll ust grow with you into saggy.

And these Kids...."

"Just need a different workout, but..."

"They don't have the safety of cacooning like we did. So, when he dies; he dies. He dies; he dies."

"Hope we're not too late."

"What about their parents? Their Kids will have more glue then they."

"That is if their parents have any glue left."

"Hey. At least we can catch Darius' generation."

"But what about ours?"

"As long as there's some; we can make it; but …...I fear our 'Family togetherness' will be cut short. They have been cutting a lot of kids.How much more will parents?"

"........Here, need a hand getting out of the ball pit?"

"Uhhh…..thank you."

"Stephanie, would you like a Clipboard to take notes, or can you use your….


"The rest of you, enjoy yourselves. There are weights, tracks, pull ups, and even hang out spaces to watch."

"Hang out spaces...in a Course?"

"How else are you supposed to take notes? I don't want any of you to look at this Training Course and only see pain."


"Sounds like the Halflings have made it to the Cafeteria.

If you want to join them for lunch, first finish at least one Punch. After your race, then you're free for the rest of the day."

"......I hope we all won't turn out as sloppy messes like you."

"We just need to prove that we can stitch ourselves back together without having to use Scissors."

"Stephanie, why are you standing up for…"

"You want to be cut?


Cause I got Scissors right here.

*Snip. Snip*

And having little magic is more than having no magic, but...…if you all are scared; then there's the door."

"You're not one of the Princesses, so you have no say who goes home."

"True, but if you want my help showing you the door.


You know where to find me."

"Yeah, in the losers lounge.

Come on, let's race."

"Stephanie, why are you so mean?"

"I'm not mean. I'm critical.

Why aren't you with your own?"

"Stephanie, you; I; and Jacklyn are the only Kids here with powers. It's our job to keep people…..it's the Others job to kick them. Please don't confuse the two."

"I just thought a little push wouldn't hurt."

"You push too hard and you'll have no one."

"Darius, why do you care what I have and don't have? Just focus on you, and let me focus on me."

"I am focusing on me. Every single part of….



I got you. What's going on? How do you feel? Where does it hurt? Come on. Don't go to sleep on me now.
