
"Morning, Class."

"Morning, Jackson."

"How did everyone sleep? I know some slept in their dorms because I could hear them rocking, but that's ok. Is it because of a lack of momentum, or too exhausted to care?"

"Is 'Scared' an option?"

"What's there to be scared of?"

"Walking Plants."


"Talking food."

"You watch your tongue."

"Flying horses."



"Don't talk about my puppy like that."


"You.....have a good point there."

"And where's our chairs? We have a desk, but no chair? Why?"

"Aaaah. Yes. I know you all are scared, and have every right to be, but I promise we mean no harm. No other Magic school seeks outside Magic, let alone praises its use outside the classroom. So, One Pearl may appear threatening to most, but hopefully…..I can help you see that there's nothing here to be scared of whatsoever."

"Actually.....You have every right to be scared."


"Who knows how each Creature acts. What do they eat? How do they get their nutrients? What are there favorite hobbies?

Is it soul sucking?"


"Face stealing?"


"Look at Apple. He never tells people how he turned into a human. All he says is that he was cursed...but has anyone thought as to how…..he was cursed?"

"Maybe he wasn't cursed, but blessed?

Chopped always hates humans, and it wasn't until Apple turned into a human that the others found out what 'Being on Market' meant. Maybe he got his revenge on the humans."

"Stephanie, that's enough."

"Got in his kills, and his reward was a right of passage."

"Stephanie, I said…"

"None of us know how the other will act, so we have every right to be scared. Even friends...hide stuff from each other."


"But there's a difference between being scared to say hi, and scared to say bye.

If you weren't scared, then I would be concerned. You all are just scared for the wrong reasons."

"What...should we be scared about?"

"The things that go bump in the night.

Cause what you don't see….can hurt you."

"Oookay. Thank you, Stephanie for this 'heartwarming....warning to start off this School year, but the reason for us to train is not to fight each other, nor to fight at all. But to envelope. Be at one with who we are, and find out that true peace is gained not from the outside; but within."

"Psst, Stephanie.

Uhhhh….were you serious about warning us, or did you just make that up to ruffle our feathers?"

"I know where I am sleeping at night. Do you?"

"To starrt of with, we are going to do something simple and easy. There are two things every one person uses and has. A Bed...they sleep on...…and a Chair.....they sit at. Thankfully, you will see that your beds have been provided for you in full since they are too complex to build on your own. Too many moving parts. But a Chair on the other end...."


Do we all get wands?"


"Kids.....Kids.....this is no time to laugh. For you, this is just a chair, but for me; this is the start of your journey of creating things out of nothing. When you need these skills, they will be there, and by building upon them yourself… will appreciate them more for…"



"When do we get to do real magic?"

"Yeahhh. Yeah.

I bet we don't need to build a chair during a real match. Huhhhh..I a chair...make a sword. Build a chair...…make a....wooooooooo. Chair it is. Uhhh….I mean sword.

My tongue slipped."


I hope none of you have picked up traits from your siblings.

Let's begin."