
"........Is there anything I could help you with, Miss?"

"I'm just too excited…..and scared…..but excited. How are you so relaxed about all of this? Their is a whole world hidden in plain sight, and you act like it's second nature.

Do I have the pose wrong or something? Are my shoulders not arched enough? Square over my toes they are, but…."

"Girl, the problem is not your posture. The problem is you're overthinking it."

"I am?"

"What happens when an enemy knocks you flying through the air and you do the twist? Are you going to be more worried about if he hit you flat to where your pose is center, or...trying to hit the center of the rock to cast a grappling hook spell?"

"...Cast a Grapling hook spell?"


"How do I do that?"

"Let's just focus on your chair first. The hook is very different."

"How so?"

"........The Spells today teach you how to pull something from nothing. Soon, you will have to take that and aim it where you would like it to go."

"Even more sentences!!!!"

"The brain forms complete thoughts and words at a rapid pace without us knowing. That is how we fast talk. We control the tongue and the flow, but not how mighty the river is."

"I don't want to learn."

"All you need to focus on is the flow. The rain will collect on its own. Now…can you visualize someone sitting right....there?"


"Now, can you really quickly pull that chair out from beneath her like Jenga?"

"Her name is not Jenga. Her name is Iris. My name."

"Okay. Her name is Iris. Do you think she would mind if we reached in her dimension and pulled out that chair...…just to borrow it a sec?"

"But what will happen to her chair once I take it? Where will she sit?"

"Iris, you're overthinking again. You are pulling out of your reservoir of imagination so.....I'm sure she can float."


Why can't we float? That way we wouldn't need chairs."

"If we floated. Do you want your bottom to hit the floor?"

"No. That would be hard on my rear. If I was practicing how to float, I would have a soft blanket underneath me, or…I would first practice with something underneath me. Like a….


I did it!!!!!!!!!

Stephanie, I did it."


"A bit wobbly, and there's only one support on each side instead of two, but it still stands."

"Thank you."


"Iris, you can let go now."

"I couldn't have done this without you."

"Really, Iris….you can let go now."

"Oooh. Sorry."

"Thank you."


"For those of you who successfully pulled a chair out of your imagination, then I am happy for you. The rest… still have another chance."

"Another chance? Does she mean tomorrow's class?"

"Timmy, I thought Lion said we would go to training first thing in the morning?"

"You all ready?"

"Way to jinx it, Jake."

"Meet me downstairs, and we'll use what you just learned, in the field. After training, each class throughout the day will help you hone in your skills by teaching you various ways on how you can use what you learned."

"Biology will teach us how to make a chair?"

"Or teach us the inner workings of how it's made?"

"Don't be ridiculous. Our home Ed taught us that we can replace the word to anything else we want. I'm sure the different classes will tell us what different words they want us to use."

"Oooohh boy. Can't wait for Gym class. I bet Jacklyn is going to have us play dodgeball by replacing the word chair with 'fire' and then playing with it."

"I think that is a bit harder to master."

"What do you mean? All elements make up physical objects."

"Yes, but it is easy to craft a chair because we see it everyday. I don't think everyone sees a volcano all day."

"Or sticks their hand over an open flame for a long period of time to…..feel how it is made."

"We'd be burned to a crisp."

"Then how will we?"

"Iris, Jakclyn was right. You do overthink stuff. I am confident they will tell us how to feel fire…..without… know...feeling fire."

"I hope so."

" YOU MAY not be able to feel fire yet, but I promise you you will all feel the burn right now."

"What do you have us to craft in order to help us beat the training course?"

"Ohhh…Haa. Their is nothing that can help you when running the course. No. I was thinking about something smaller. Something more....."