

"Ooo, we're going. I…








"Easy to attack when you have no shield there."

"What the?"



"Impressive, but Iris; today we're just training on how to combat an attack using a shield. Not how to use the shield to counter-attack."

"I know, but it's as Lion said. If there's no rules to magic, why should we expect our opponent to also abide by made up rules?"

"The rest of you.....begin.

You will go until you are tired. Until you cannot stand. Until you are weak in the knees, and slow in the chest. Then and only then....will I let you leave."




Hey, I wasn't ready."

".....Don't get distracted, Kid."

"Need a hand?"


I can help myself up, thank you very much.

Let's go again."






LADIES OF ALL AGES. YES, I am talking to you men too. Fighting is like a dance. If you think that philosophy, you will be able to plan out your partner's moves. The body can't fight in the same place for too long, nore can it step in the same place, or else *Crunch*....Ouch. Their goes your toes....and down goes your partner."

"On guard, Jake."

"Hands up, Christie."

"I will never surrender."

"The crown jewels are mine."

"I found them first."

"Well....I found them second… there.



"Or...…you could just have fun with it."

"How you doing, Iris?"

"Doing my best no to overthink."

"You heard what was said. There are no rules, so it's okay to fight your opponent off guard, but if you think for one second I will let you get close to me and trap me in a hug, then..."

"Why haven't you thrown me across the room yet? The legends spoken of you make you seem like you're a monster, and have already awoken."







"Everybody, stand back. Iris' bubble has been activated. What happened?

I....we....thought Stephanie and I were finally making steps.....until I brought up the fact that she has grown weak."

"Oooo….You maybe shouldn't have brought that up. No matter how much you think you know your emeney, their is always more to the story."

"But we were friends."

"Here, Iris. Grab my hand.

Rule number one, as Teach said; just cause you think you finally have the drop… realize their is another hurdle."

"So, I shouldn't even try?"

"What I am saying is love does not kill the beast. So get those stupid fairytales out of your head before you get someone hurt.Me...…you...…it makes no difference. The sooner the better."

"Stephanie, it's ok. Go stand over there and be quiet. Let me talk to her."


Mom, how fast do you think this Storm will get here….cause we are definitely not prepared."

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Just...sorry for my actions."

"Sorry for hitting her, or….."

"Maybe I am weak. I'm sorry for not kicking her while she was down. That's what I would've done."


"Iris, you were full aware that no one has ever walked away from Stephanie unscathed."

"I know. I just...."

"And I love you for trying, but next time....try a different approach."