
"........We're too late!!!"

"Could use another storm.....RIGH ABOUT NOW!!!!"


"We just need to lift the fire off the fuel, then it will disappear."

"Here, let me hold you so you can absorve a little extra punch."


"Don't focus on me. Focus on the fire. You're my hose. Just aim and spray."

"Rainbow, come on. We got the little ones. Let's…."


I hear voices."

"Rainbow, we have to leave or else they'll find us."

"Just want to take a peak. I'll be fast, I promise."


One peak and then no more."

"Ruby, I can handle controlling on my own. I am not a controller."

"But you are still young and need help. I'm showing you how to focus."




Ruby, what was that all about?"



"What was that?"

"Jacklyn, get off of me."

"You tripped me."

"My skin lit up. Rainbow is here."

'And it's a good thing I am."



"What the?"


"You all losing your powers?

Just look at this little cutie trapped in her cage. She is trying so desperately to punch against the cage to help you, but it's all in vain. You can call out to her all you want; but as long as I have the Creatures in a cage, your Deliverers are useless.

And now I know what else is useless."

"Rainbow, wait. We were just….."

"Replacing me because you don't want me around anymore? Cleaning up my mess? Finding a better….."


"Tell me, Ruby. When Natysh kicked me out of the Kingdom, did you know I was gone...….did you even care? Or were you.....busy?"

"Rainbow, the interference with all the animals bounced off your signal making it seem like…."

"Save it.

Same old, Ruby. Saying anything….but the truth."

"......I was worried when you left."

"Then why didn't you come find me?"


"I went to find you, and bring you back. Does that mean nothing?"


"But I did search for you. I searched for you high and low. Natysh must have…."

"Natysh is not the problem."

"...YOU ARE!!!!"

"Lolli, wait. I'm your…"




"Catch the bird cage. Hurry."


"Just a peek, Rainbow. Sure?"

"Just focus on getting the others out of here."

".....You saying the truth about Magic lies within these little..."

"Fairies. They are called Fairies, Stephanie."

"So that's why I wasn't able to cast a knife to free me. No one was there to deliver me one."

"You got it, Jacklyn?"

"Got it."

"Now let's put out these fires before they get out of control."

"Are there enough Fairies in there for all of us, cause...we can help."

"Here you go. Just remember, they may be small, and they may be just seen as Drivers; but I expect you to show the same level of respect to them as you do Dustyn."


Ruby, I think you should've picked a better example."

"We can discuss later. For now.....everybody set?"


Still can't figure out why you don't teach these in Magic Schools."

"Every trick has a solution. If we told people that this is how true Magic is brought; then they would just cheat the system and scale up on their own."

"But where do the Fairies get their orders from? We place the order, and they go pick it up for us; but where's the Warehouse?"

"Get your head in the game, Serenity. This is not a joke."

"My head is always in the game. Maybe too much."