
"You sure we'll be ok? The Box hasn't picked up any more chatter? Maybe something happened to Rainbow?"

"Maybe it has….maybe it hasn't. Just move the crates and keep the animals locked up. If anybody found out that our whole plan runs off of our premade maps, then we'd be dead."


"I think we already are."

"What was that?"


"Where? I don't see anything."


"Up there. On your left. It's flying too fast. Is that a….."


"Here's our chance, boys. Catching one of These will more than triple the amount all the little ones are worth."

"I aint going up there."


"Come on. I am the Boss and who I say goes.

Do you want me to start calling names?"


"How many of them are there? Can you count?"





"One for all of us. Go on. Take your pick and attack."

"....Rainbow, where are you? I can't lose you so soon. I promised to bring you home.



"Lolli? What are you…..why are you talking through my Picca?"

"Would you rather have me talk in Rainbow's voice? After all, I am here. Just a better version. It might provide you solace."

"No. It's ok. Just tell me if you have found anything."

" Ruby, it's ok. I finally got to hug a dragon."


Lolli, what are you doing? I said. I.....I...…


"And it's all thanks to you. If you're hearing this, then that means I have been taken. 6N2 trapped me in this cell, and will be advanding on my plans; but I am not going to give up.

I love you. I always have...and I always will. But we both know how this will go down. Natysh will never make me walk, nor see the light of day again.

All I ask is if it comes down to me and you. *Sniff*

Please step aside so that a Dragon can finish me off."


"I would hate to leave this world the same way I entered. The first time we properly met, I convinced you we were friends. I meant it then, and I mean it now.


And then we fought!!! You were protecting a Dragon then, and although an animal; I never ever saw them as more. You helped me change that. You helped me grow. Helped me see that there's more to life. You...….you.

You helped me blossom, even if my sister's shadow was overlooming. You took my hand and led me out.

Darius. He.....you introduced us. Remember when I told you you came back to this earth to be a Teacher and not a soldier.

Well, what do Teachers and Warriors have in common?


.....They both have a heart. A love for what they do, and a sacrifice to do anything to uphold that, no matter what people say. They know what is true. They know what is right, and they know that their experience far outweighs any others. Once all that settles down, the reason they love what they do makes them a friend to all around.

You never fight for a Stranger. 'Just a friend you haven't hugged.'"


"Please continue to be a friend while I am gone. Make others smile. Be the light in the dark place, and remember….your fists may be the first thing people see, but a smile can light up a room much more than the color red can.

And Ruby. Please be a friend. Stop making amends. I have buried enough bodies, and dug up my fair share of holes. Just can't believe after all the bodies I planned on hosting...…I never ever once thought that I too would be in one of the holes. Please place some candy on my grave if you can. I want some when I go to Sunscare. I know the Bible says you cannot take anything from this World over to the next, but come on. Everybody loves candy. I am sure I could even make the Big Man smile.

I know I could make you.

And I know you could make me.

….Lolli, I hope this message finds Ruby well, and you will take care to give it to her. I trust you. Tell Natysh I am sorry, and *Mmuay*...Hugs and Kisses. Bye!!!

Sword drop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"