
"Peter, I know you are up there. If you don't come down this instant then I'm coming up.

….Ok. I'm coming.


"What are you doing? I told you not to come."

"I'm not. I'm just holding the Ladder."

"Thanks. If I see anything, I'll...


Look what you did. He's flying away."

"...To the School, Drafairo. I need to talk to Jalapeno."

"You can turn the Music off now. They're both out of range."


"Good. My ears thank you."

"As do all of ours."

"...................How far do you think they can hear?"


"I can't answer that, but I can tell you how far I can hear.


And right now, I hear a..."

"JALAPENO, I have a question."

"Who are you?


Hasn't Natysh made it clear that Dragons are not pets?"

"Fairo is no pet."

"You named him?"

"He told me.

After listening to music, I was able to communicate with him."

"So you want everyone to walk around with music blaring on their phones?"

" But….."

"Music is an element, and as such you can't just produce it out of thin air. Unless it's a Lullaby then you will need an instrument."

"Was just hoping you could make Whistles or something, but I...…..Sorry to bother you. I'll just leave."

"Kid, Dragons are friends; not enemies. We just ended one war. We don't….."



"I....I can teach you. We can use this for more than just fighting. I was hoping we could use this as a way to….


Sorry. I'm just…


My bad. I'll pick that up."



"...I have no idea still what nor why, now how....but.....if you really want to help, then....I...I could always use an Assistant."


I won't make you regret this, Jalapeno. I...…


I can start by helping you clean and organize this place."

"What's wrong with this place? Something wrong about my setup, cause you seem to like knocking it down."




"Not his. Yours."

"Oh, I knew that. My name is...."


"Thought we'd find you here, and lucky we did."


"....Sorry if he's disturbing your class, Jalapeno. When he sets his gaze, it's hard for us to turn it."

"He's not a bother Mrs….."

"Lane. And it's Miss."

"Well, Miss Lane. Your son is not a bother at all to me. In fact he's…."

"Not mine."

"Oh. As I was saying, he seems very eager and wanting to help. Just....doesn't always know how to sink the shot. His practice is good though."

"Come on, Peter. We're going home. Thanks again for stopping him."

"Peter, catch."

"What's this?"



"It's a uniform. Try it on."

"You really want me to help you around here? You've seen my clumliness."

"You're just Speetey Peetey, and I bet we can channel that into something great. Just eager, that's all."


"Uhhhh...I...…As long as you promise to do what he says, when he says it and don't run off."


"Well, ummmmm, okay class. As you can see, this is what dedication, focus, and resilience gets you. Not only a job...….but also a calling. Welcome on board, Peter."

"I'm glad to be here."