"......Can you believe this is real?"

"I forgot what that word was a long time ago."

"I call this room."

"Top bunk, no taking back."

"You could've hurt yourself with that jump."

"The higher the risk, the higher the reward."

"Girls, can you keep it down? I'm trying to set up my deskspace."

"You have plenty of room."

"Thans, Stephanie. This Matchbox will work nicely."

"Matchbox? For you?"


"No. no. no. You deserve something way mightier. You deserve your own house."

"But I do have a house."

"Not yours.

The Elementary kids made this dollhouse for you, after our morning. Theressa helped me bring it over. Should be a lot more comfier than a matchbox."

"If I could hug you, I would."

"Best part...…..your door has locks."


"My personal touch.

And...…..A wardrobe."


But there is no way I can wear all thse clothes myself. There are so many."

"You don't think they are all for you, do you?"

"Who else would they be for? And why many rooms?


Twiggy....Jade.....Jewels...…..what are you...…."

"Leave you all alone in this big house of yours? As if. I say if there are so many rooms…."

"Then they must be for us. Right, Stephanie?"

"Actually it's for any passerbys who need a place to rest before they get back out there, but for now.....yes. The room is all yours."



"Darius, but the fighting is over. Please, come home. Your classmates miss you. Your friends miss you. Your parents miss you. I...…..miss you."

"And does Rainbow miss me?"

"Of course she does."

"Then if you have truly made up, then where is she?"

"Helping the Kids move into their new Dorms. should be."

"Not without my escort."

"Darius, please just come home. I'll explain everything along the way.

You can't use your powers on me. I know how to make myself still."



Touch, River."


"If you have nothing to hide, then touch River. After you do, your body will relax and I will be able to sense your feelings myself."

"Darius, you don't believe me?"

"Touch River."

"Fine, but I am telling you. Their is nothing to.....Aaaaaaaaahhhh."

"......Thought so."

"Darius, wait. Let me explain. She was…."

"I'll go with you back."

"So you don't need an explanation?"

"I didn't say that."

"What about a reason?"

"I didn't say that either."

"So, you're not mad?"

"I also didn't say that."

"Then what did you say?"

"I thought love meant till death do us part, and then you try everything to stop that from happening."


"Come on. As you said, I am late for my moving in party. Will be so glad to get out of this heat."

".........I'm with you. In more ways then one."

"Come on everybody."