
"I think that went well."

"Again, thank you Jacklyn. Couldn't have done it without you."

"I still think you should've showed up in person. With or without risk."

"I did."

"Talking through a wild bird does not count as 'Being here in person.'"

".....Best I could do."

"Sure about that?

You were right. When Lolli talked to you through Pica using Rainbow's voice, it must have been pretty weird. Please return the bird to its home at once. I will be home shortly."

"Jacklyn, can you do one more thing for me before you return?"

"Ruby, I am not your messenger girl."


"...What is it?"

"Hug DeathPetal for me."

"You're not going to tell me you are afraid of him either."

"Rainbow created him to specifically kill me and all Rogues, others and alike. Natysh also has Dragons that can….."

"Go on!!!"

"I suck at leaving trails."

"Bye Ruby."

"So, can I trust you?"

"Bye Ruby."

"Bye Jacklyn. See you soon."

"Ruby, who are you talking to?"

"Uhhh….no one.

Why aren't you with your friends, Darius?"

"You are my friend."

"Now's not the time to grieve, Darius, but to rejoice."

"How many have you told?

...…..Thanks for the sword, anyways."

"You're welcome."

"You uhhhh...….want to come back inside?"

"Why don't you come out?"


But the Doctor said…."

"Do you honestly think people listen to them? Come on. I'll show you where to sit and grab so you don't hurt them."

"Going from the kid that cried in a corner because I felt too small, to riding Dragons in the evening air high above it all. The world really is a strange place."

"It'll only get weirder, Kid, now that we are all one."

"Are we really one?"



Just try to hang on."

"I always do."

"And please don't abandon me like last time. I know you don't like picking sides, but this time..…..I am going to need you to hold onto me tight. Like you have never held before."

"Got it."

"Darius, wait. Darius, wait."

"Ruby, where are you going?"

"Just to fly a lap. What's up?"


Have fun, you two."


"And be back before Twelve."

"Yes, Mom and Dad. I would never enganger the Curfew."

"I wasn't talking to you."

"Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Heartchild."

"Now you have my blessings."

"Come on, Dragon. Let's show them the royal experience. Up....up...…and away!!!"


"Darius, what are you doing?"

"It only seemed proper."

".....I must have been asleep longer than I thought."

"Asleep? I thought you were dead?"

"Uhhhhh.....I was."