
"Are you ready for us to come out?"

"We were stopped."

"What do you mean.....stopped?"

"She means....'stopped.' Dead...…stuck in the road....need to call a hitchhiker to get out."

"Jacklyn, what are…what are you doing here?"

"I am your hitchhiker.

When a car stops on the side of the road, it's not the end. Just fill it up, and you're back on track."

"Girl, do you not know who we are?"

"The most powerful threat in the bottom of the Sea, but when it comes to Land, you are out of your element."

"Come here to tell us that what we did was wrong? Our most powerful minds couldn't grasp a single concept."

"You mean exposing your embarrassing moments."

"Jacklyn, we….."

"Say it like it is."

"While all of your ideas were great…..truly...….I am not here to disown you. Instead....I want to give you a second chance. A way to show who you are."

"The others set you up for this?"


And if you want, I won't tell anyone."

"Why would you purposefully engender your friends, just to help us throw a simple little Entrance."

"King. There is no such thing as a small step, and I know because my parents made me take a ton of them to get to where I am now.

Scarlett, restart the storm....I will take away the Girls breathe, making it look like they were knocked out; and won't give it back until after the Storm clears them."

"How can we ever repay you?"

"......Just make your entrance splendid."

"Will do."


"Thank you, Jacklyn."

"You're welcome Mers."

"......She's been under there for quite some time. Think she's ok and has been able to clear things up?

What do you even think she is doing?"

"She's having her moment. Le'ts not dwindle longer or else we'll ruin it."

"You know, for being the strongest...we still have the smallest brains."

"Ruby, we were just doing what we thought was..."


"THE STORM. How's it coming back? We....."

"Jacklyn, do something. The storm. It's...."




"I'm sorry girls. None of you understand the importance of taking a simple step, so I will show you.







"Ready to move forward when you are.

Please stay in character."

"Get out of here before I smite you with my spores."


"I'm going. I'm going."

".....So how was the ride?"


"I SAID....HOW WAS THE RIDE? You know....with Ruby."

"OH...….It was amazing."


"I didn't say if it was good or bad."

"Then what?"

"EVERYBODY RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Is that...…"



The others tried their hardest to stop them, but...…but...….."

"They were too late!!!!"




"Ha, ha, ha, ha."

"Mermaids, assemble.